video rental RSS

80s, 90s, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Horror VHS, independent video store, Mom and Pop shop, Mom and Pop video shop, Mom and Pop's Video Shop, VHS, VHS Rental, video rental, video store, video store nostalgia, Video Stores -

LUNCHMEAT is VHSuper stoked to put our heads together with the groovy ghouls over at DISCOUNT CEMETERY to celebrate the enduring spirit of those essential and influential indie video stores that populated hometowns everywhere! The complete MOM AND POP’S VIDEO SHOP apparel line is now available exclusively from DISCOUNT CEMETERY including limited colorways and special pre-order only items! Clickity-click this here link to view the entire collection! We’ve even created a rewind-radical commercial to get you right back in-between those aisles!     Keep on VHScrollin' down for a look at the collection – all available NOW exclusively at DISCOUNT...

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Animus Studios, Ardmore PA, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Screenings, Category_VHS, fresh VHS, new VHS, short documentary, video rental, video store, Video Store Day, Video Stores, Viva Video -

In collaboration with Animus Studios and the 9th annual International Independent Video Store Day 2019 (which took place on October 19th), LUNCHMEAT proudly presents the Limited Edition VHS release of MEMORY VIDEO: a short documentary detailing the ongoing story of a neighborhood video store right outside of Philadelphia, PA called VIVA VIDEO, which is still alive and renting. Directed by Roy Power and starring Miguel Gomez, MEMORY VIDEO offers a heartfelt and insightful journey through the trials of running a modern day video store, overflowing with passion and riddled with uncertainty.   Each copy of MEMORY VIDEO will come with...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_Music, Category_VHS, Graveface Records, Horror VHS, VHS Rental, VHS tapes, video rental -

The rewind-minded peeps in the Savannah, GA area in need of some righteous horror, exploitation and genre video rentals, it’s time to rejoice. This Saturday, October 21st at 5PM, GRAVEFACE RECORDS AND CURIOUSITIES are ready to unleash some radical racks of VHS rentals ready to invade your VCR. The video rental section for GRAVEFACE was first mentioned in an interview with shop proprietor Ryan Graveface here in LUNCHMEAT Land back in January of 2016, and now with over a year’s worth of VHSweat, blood, and stacking flicks of fear, this fantastic analog-inclined initiative is coming to fruition. And that’s pretty...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Magnetic Highway, mom and pop video store, Truth or Dare!, VHS, VHS Rental, video rental, Video Stores, Visart Video -

You know us here in Lunchmeat Land to be perpetual proponents of that vintage video rental experience. And though the forums for those encounters are now lesser in number, the rental destinations that are endeavoring to thrive in 2017 are keeping that anti-streaming dream alive. They foster the notion that there are still individuals out there that believe in that in-person interaction and family-like atmosphere that stitch together the essence of a brick and mortar video store. Scott Tepperman is an old school VHS collector and avid filmmaker that wanted to explore this contemporary video store culture, and has created...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Champion Video, Horror VHS, Houston, new VHS, TX, VHS Collecting, VHS culture, VHS Rentals, video rental, Video Stores -

Contrary to common belief, the video store isn't quite dead. And if you're regularly tuned in to Lunchmeat Land, you'll know this to be VHSolid fact. But if not, we welcome you to our VHS-obsessed domain with a few choice examples to support our notion: The classic chain of Family Video is still alive and finding ways to thrive out in the mid-west, Scarecrow Video has become a marvelous mecca of movies, indie start-up Old Skool Video is defying the odds in Nebraska and a hardy army of video stores like Viva Video in Ardmore, PA, Visart Video in Charlotte,...

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