80s sci-fi RSS

80s sci-fi, Canadian Film, cult fim, Perry Stratychuk, savannah electric -

By Billups Allen Once a month, we turn The Lamplighter Lounge in Memphis, Tennessee into a 30-seat movie theater for the purposes of showing director/distro-approved documentaries, psychotronic, horror, sci-fi, and repertory movies under the banner of OFF THE MARQUEE.  Recently we showed the 1985 low-budget masterpiece Savannah Electric, a movie I first heard about through Lunchmeat. ED NOTE: the LUNCHMEAT Savannah Electric VHS release is available HERE. Savannah Electric is a lost classic of low-budget sci-fi. The story involves a bounty hunter tracking an escaped worker across a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The escaped worker is part of a factory run by The...

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