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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Deathwish Skateboards, Deathwish VHS Skateboard, VHS Skateboard, VHS skateboarding, VHS Wasteland -

Here’s some exciting news for all you VHSkaters out there! Some of you may recall a line of skate decks from NY-based skate outfit 5BORO celebrating the artwork of home-record VHS blanks from the 90s, but the super-gnar dudes over at Deathwish Skateboards have just kicked the video cover love up to another level. They’re issuing an insanely awesome line of decks aptly entitled the VHS Wasteland line, featuring cover art from flicks like the DEATH FACES, ARMY OF DARKNESS, TOXIC ZOMBIES, and of course, the bad-ass Bronson essential DEATH WISH!     The Official Advert from DEATHWISH for the...

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Archie, Beetlejuice VHS, Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, cover art, Ernest VHS, James Gilks VHS, Mad Hatter Design VHS, Predator, Serial Killer Calendar, Sex Pistols VHS, The Ramones VHS, VHS, VHS cover art, VHS covers, VHS Mash Up, VHS Wasteland, Walking Dead VHS -

One of the more popular pastimes of the modern Videovore has become the act of cruising the many avenues of the rewind-inclined web in order to soak in some never-before-seen, eye-catching VHS cover art. While there are plenty of amazing, strange and sometimes downright spectacular video covers to be seen VHStreaming by on video-centric Facebook groups such as Horror VHS Collectors Unite! and VHS Misfits (and there’s always the hi-res, watermarked offerings of VHSCollector.com) one of the most incredible collections of obscure, diverse and fully downloadable VHS cover scans reside over at a site aptly entitled VHS Wasteland. Not familiar?...

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