VHS Collecting RSS
Experience Some Radical Rewind-Inclined Dreams Come True with LUNCHMEAT VHS FANTASY BLANKS! A Collection of Branded Promotional VHS Blanks That Should Have Been!
The wide world of video era promotional materials is as vast as it is exciting, Tapeheads. The nostalgic allure of promotional video store ephemera for the avid Tapehead is undeniable, and if you’ve peeked into our Analog-Tising feature in LUNCHMEAT #8, you might already be aware that Vestron Video was arguably at the top of the video era promo game, producing wondrous items like the outstanding sculpted pewter paperweight for the home video release of Re-Animator. You didn’t think we’d mention it and not show you, did you, Tapeheads? We wouldn’t do that to you, dude. (Photo Courtesy...
RED PROPELLER, INC. and PROJECT GET REEL Launch VHS Online Store THE LAST REWIND! Plus, Insight on How They Are Handling their Massive Amount of Home Recorded VHS Material!
A little over two years ago in March of 2015, Lunchmeat ran an article exploring the Canadian-based endeavor called PROJECT GET REEL: an initiative that aimed to collect, dismantle and recycle some 2.26 billion unwanted and abandoned VHS tapes overflowing in The Great White North, with intentions to keep them out of the landfill and protect the environment from the plastics and poisonous chemicals that coat those reels of magnetic magic. It’s an honorable endeavor indeed, but the project aroused an important question among VHS collectors and media preservationists alike: what about the copious amounts of assorted cultural material still...
Australian VHS-Centric Web-Series VIDEO HOARDERS Debuts First Episode via Cult of Monster! WATCH NOW!
It goes without VHSaying that the rewind way is a worldwide practice, and the ardent affection for the format has recently taken shape in the land down under with a brand new VHS-centric web-series called VIDEO HOARDERS. Created and hosted by Rob Taylor, the first episode is now available via MonsterPictures.com (clickity-click that hot link to watch, man!), and follows Rob as he travels to Lara, Victoria and peruses the collection of fellow Tapehead Jamie Tate. Throughout the episode, they talk the joys of tape and ogle sexy slabs of Aussie analog like Evil Dead, Scalps, Nightmare and The Video...
The Druid Underground Film Festival has been invading eyes and boggling minds since 2006, and is self-described as “a traveling powerhouse of the most bizarre and provocative films on earth!”, but DUFF does much more than collect, compile and screen the weirdest of the weird. They’re a multi-faceted entity just oozing with underground cinema appreciation. If you want all the gory details attached to DUFF, you can learn all about their history here, and read through a list of past film fest winners right here. You can also peep an insightful reel just below… Along with their efforts...
Indie Neon-Noir Film VIRUS Comes to Limited Edition VHS from Cyberfools and Weird Life LTR!
The ever-expanding landscape of the fresh VHS movement has offered an array of rewind-inclined releases ranging from obscurities unearthed to re-animations of scarce cult classics to mind-boggling mix-tapes. But perhaps the most interesting and exciting aspect the fresh VHS happening is how it’s provided a platform for indie filmmakers to present their work in a retro-radical format that connects them to a specific sphere of inclinations and tastes. Whether it be as a perk for their current crowdfund campaign or just as a straight-up radical special edition of the film, committing their film to VHS is now again a viable...
- All
- '+76 Design
- 1-900-KILL-YOU
- 10 Coverfield Lane
- 16mm movies
- 1920s
- 1985 Games
- 20 Years of Madness
- 2017 Calendar
- 20s
- 3 Dead Trick or Treaters
- 3 Dead Trick or Treaters VHS
- 30 Years of Madness
- 555
- 555 VHS
- 5BORO VHS deck
- 5BORO VHS Series II
- 70s
- 80s
- 80s Action
- 80s horror
- 80s retro
- 80s sci-fi
- 80s sex comedy
- 80s VHS blanket
- 90s
- 90s aesthetics
- 90s horror
- 90s nostalgia
- 90s SOV movies
- 90s toys
- 90s VHS
- 90s VHS nostalgia
- Aaron Pratt
- Act of Vengeance
- action exploitation
- action movies
- action movies book
- Action VHS
- activism
- Adjust Your Tacking
- Adjust Your Tracking
- Adult Swim
- Advertising
- Afraid of the Basement
- Afraid of the Basement VHS
- Afterschool Spectral
- AIP Studios Shirt
- Alamo Drafthouse
- Alamo Drafthouse VHS
- Alamo Drafthouse Yonkers
- Alex Lukens
- Alien Beasts
- All Seasons Entertainment
- Allentown Free Event
- Alternative Cinema
- America's Deadliest Home Video
- America's Deadliest Home Video DVD
- America's Deadliest Home Video VHS
- American Scream Records
- Amvest
- Amvest Video
- Amy Jo Johnson
- analog
- Analog aesthetics
- Andy Bolus
- animation
- Animation VHS
- Animus Studios
- AOTB Video
- April Fools VHS
- Archie
- Ardmore PA
- Are You Afriad Afriad of the Dark
- art
- artbook
- artistic obscenity
- Asa Nisi Masa Films
- Asbury Park
- ASOBI Productions
- Astro Nautico
- at the video store
- Atlanta
- Atlanta Hip Hop
- Atlanta music
- Atlantic City
- Atlantic City NJ
- Audio Video Plus
- Audio/Video Plus
- Audio/Video Plus Archive
- Aussie VHS
- Australian Blu-Ray
- Australian VHS
- Automatons
- AVP Archive
- Babylon Video
- backwoods
- Bad Robot Productions
- Baltimore horror movie
- Barbara Crampton
- Baseball Horror
- Baseball Killer
- basement video store
- Batman & Robin
- BBC April Fools
- BBC Live Recording VHS
- BBC Store
- BBC Store Video
- BBC Top of the Pops
- Beauty and the Beast VHS
- Beauty and the Beast VHS value
- Beetlejuice VHS
- bend
- Beneath the Black Moon
- berenstain bears VHS
- berenstein bears berenstain bears
- Bernie
- Bernie Sanders
- Bernie Sanders VCR
- Bernie Sanders VHS
- Bernie VHS
- Beta
- Betamax
- Beyond the Gates
- Beyond the gates movie
- Beyond the Gates VHS
- Beyond Video
- Big Box Protectors
- Big Box VHS
- Bigfoot
- Bill D. Russell
- black and white
- Black Devil Doll
- Black Devil Doll from Hell
- Black Devil Doll from Hell Sequel
- Black Devil Doll from Hell VHS
- black metal
- Black Metal VHS
- Black Metal Yule Log
- Black VVideo
- Blackhearts
- Blackhearts documentary
- blank VHS
- Blasphemy
- Bleeding Skull
- Bleeding Skull VHS
- Bleeding Skull! Video
- Blockbuster
- Blockbuster commercial
- Blockbuster Video
- Blockbuster Video commercial
- Blonde Death
- Blonde Death VHS
- Blood Video
- Blood Video Special Edition
- Bobbi Young
- bogus brat pack
- Boiled Angel
- Booger Boys 3D
- Brains
- Brantley Palmer
- Brian Bosworth
- Brian Papandrea
- Brick NJ Video Store
- Brinke Stevens
- Brooklyn Fire Proof
- Brooklyn Fire Proof Summer Screenings
- Brooklyn NY
- Brooklyn NY VHS
- Brooklyn VHS
- Brute Heart
- Burbank CA
- Burglar from Hell
- CA
- Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
- cable access television
- Caetlin Benson-Allott
- cakesters
- Calder Greenwood
- Camcorder
- Camel
- Camp Motion Pictures
- Camp Motion Pictures VHS
- Campfire Pictures
- Canada
- Canadian Film
- Canadian Horror
- Candle Flame Films
- Candle Linguini
- Candy Claw
- Cannibal Airlines VHS
- Cannibal Campout
- Cannibal Campout VHS
- Cannibal Claus
- cards
- Carl J. Sukenick
- Carl Sukenick
- Carl Sukenick VHS
- Carpenter VHS collection
- Cartoons
- Cassette Soundtrack
- Category_Cartoons
- Category_Collecting
- Category_Comics
- Category_Groovy Stuff
- Category_Horror
- Category_Music
- Category_Screenings
- Category_Uncategorized
- Category_VHS
- Category_Weirdness
- Catherine Walsh
- CaveWomen
- Celluloid Apocalypse
- Century Bar Philadelphia
- Champion Video
- Chaos AD
- Charles Bronson
- Charles Clary
- Charles Pinion
- Chattanooga
- Cherry Coke
- Chester N. Turner
- Chester Turner
- Chicago
- Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things VCI
- Chill
- chillwave
- Chlller Theater
- Chopping Mall
- Chris Bahr
- Christmas
- Christmas VHS
- Cigarettes
- Cinedelphia Film Festival
- Cinedelphia Film Festival Free Screening
- Cinema
- cinema history
- City of the Dream Demons
- City of the Dream Demons VHS
- Clamshell VHS
- classic
- claymation
- Collectable playing cards
- collectible perfume
- collectible VHS
- Collecting
- Collin Major
- color VHS
- color VHS shell
- Com Truise
- Come and Get It
- Comedy
- Comedy Central
- Comic Book Documentaries
- Comic Book VHS
- Comic Books
- Comics
- coming-of-age
- Commercials
- Communism
- conspiracy theory
- Cool stuff
- Corpse Eaters
- Courtney Fathom Sell
- Courtney Sell
- cover art
- Crazy Video Candy
- cream of the crap
- Creatures for Kids
- Creepy Co.
- Creepy Company Horror Sticker
- Creepy Jason
- Creepy Jason VHS and Chill
- Crimson Mask Studios
- Crystal Vista VHS
- Cult
- cult action
- Cult action VHS
- cult film
- cult fim
- Cult Movie Mania
- Cult Movies
- Cult of Monster
- Cult VHS
- Curb wax
- custom
- custom coffee table
- Custom Death Wish VHS
- Custom Death Wish VHS art
- custom NECA accessory
- Custom VCR
- Custom Vestron Shoes
- Custom VHS
- Custom Wizard Video shoes
- custom-painted
- Dacoda Montana
- Dallas Campbell
- Danny Bonaduce
- Danny McBride
- Danzig
- dark
- Darren J Perry
- Dave Castiglione
- David Gary
- David Heavener
- David J. Gary
- david j. moore
- david j. moore book
- David S. Sterling
- David Sterling
- Deadpool signed Blu Ray
- Deadpool VHS
- Death Metal Zombies VHS
- Death Waltz Recordings
- Death Wish
- Death Wish Movie
- Death Wish VHS
- Deathwish Skateboards
- Deathwish VHS Skateboard
- Deceker Vs Dracula VHS
- Decker Vs Dracula
- demons
- Derek Erdman
- Desert Cathedral
- Desert Cathedral VHS
- Devon Whitehead
- Dimitri Kourtchine
- Disney
- Doctor Butcher MD
- Documentary
- Dolph Lundgren
- Don't Let the Devil In
- Donner Dave
- Doritos
- double-feature VHS
- Dr. Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks VHS
- Dr. Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks VHS Value
- drama
- Drive In VHS Fest
- Drive In VHS Fest 666
- Drive-In
- Druid Underground Film Festival
- Dustin Ferguson
- Dustin Kramer
- Dylan Hughes
- Dylan Hughes Skate Tape
- Earl Kess
- earrings
- Ecto Cooler
- Ed Templeton
- Eddie Sphughetti Halloween Companion VHS
- Eddie Spuhghetti VHS
- Edmund Kemper VHS
- Education
- Eibon Press
- electro
- Electronics
- Elissa Dowling
- Elvira
- Elvis
- Elvis Costello VHS
- Embriodered Patch
- embroidered patch
- enamel pins
- Encore Home Video
- entertainment
- Ernest
- Ernest goes to Camp Crystal Lake
- Ernest VHS
- Erry Vision Films
- EUROCRIME! documentary
- Everything is Terrible
- Everything to Entertain You
- Evil Dead
- Evil Dead VCR
- Ex Machina
- EX-Film
- Exclusive Clip
- Executioner The Musical
- Executioner The Musical VHS
- ExMachina VHS
- Experimental
- experimental film
- Experimental Horror
- experimental music
- experimental VHS
- Exploitation
- expressionism
- Faces of Death
- fake VHS
- Fangoria
- Fanny Pack
- fantasy art
- Fantasy VHS
- Farside Toronto
- Field of Screams Horror Movie
- Field of Screams Teaser
- Field of Screams Trailer
- Film
- FIlm Threat VHS
- Film Trauma
- Filmation
- Five Wits Brewing
- FL
- Fleer Candy
- Fleer Crazy Video Candy
- Florida
- Florida Skateboarding
- FLOWERS horror film
- FLOWERS Phil Stevens
- Forbidden Planet
- Forbidden Transmission VHS
- Forever Bogus
- Forever Bogus Brat Pack
- Forever Bogus VHS
- found footage
- found footage VHS
- Fox Home Video
- Frank Henenlotter
- Frankenhooker VHS
- Free as Dead
- Free as Dead VHS
- French
- fresh VHS
- Friday the 13th
- Friday the 13th Part 2 lost footage VHS
- Fright Rags
- Fright Rags Horror Sticker
- Fright Rags Horror Sticker socks
- Fright Rags VHS Socks
- Fright Rags Video Series
- Fruity Records
- FSG Books
- Fulci
- Fun
- Funai Electric
- Funny
- Fury Road
- GA
- Gaahl
- Gary Whitson
- Gautier Cazenave
- Gee Video
- German
- Get Reel
- Glass Eye Pix
- Glitch aesthetics
- glitch art
- Glitch VHS
- glitch wave
- gold VHS
- Goodwill
- Gore
- goth
- goth industrial
- Grady Hendrix
- Grampire VHS
- Graphic Design
- Graveface
- Graveface Records
- Green Horror Sticker
- Gregg Turkington
- Grindhouse
- Grindhouse Releasing
- Groovy Graveyard
- Guns
- hacksaw jim duggan
- Halloween
- Halloween commericials
- Halloween Companion
- Halloween horror
- Halloween mixtape
- Halloween nostalgia
- Halloween specials
- Halloween VHS
- Haloween VHS
- hand cut
- handwritten VHS
- handwritten VHS labels
- Hate
- Haullywood Video Rentals
- Haunted
- Haunted House of Sorority Row
- Hayden Hall
- He-Man VHS
- Head Cleaner
- Headcheese VHS
- Heavy Metal Massacre
- Heavy Metal Massacre VHS
- Helvete Video
- Henrique Couto
- Her VHS
- Here Lies
- Hip Hop VHS
- history
- Holiday
- holiday horror
- Hologram Cop
- home recorded VHS
- home recording
- home video
- home video history
- Home Video Horrors
- home video industry
- Home Video Workout Tape
- Honeyspider
- horor
- Horror
- Horror Anthology
- Horror Anthology VHS
- horror art
- Horror Boobs
- Horror Calendar
- horror comedy
- Horror Decor
- Horror Decor VHS Pillow
- horror history
- horror host
- Horror Hosting
- Horror Hypo
- Horror Movies
- Horror Paperback
- horror perfume
- Horror Reaper
- Horror Reaper VHS sticker
- Horror shirts
- horror SOV
- Horror Sticker
- Horror Sticker pants
- Horror Sticker socks
- Horror VCR
- Horror VHS
- Horror VHS Blanket
- Horror VHS Calendar
- Horror VHS Collectors Unite
- Horror VHS Collectors Unite Convention
- Horror VHS Swap
- horror; comedy; gore; VHS; Video Violence; Gary Cohen; Lunchmeat; Frankenstein; shot on video; SOV; cable acccess; independent; Limited Edition; Pang; Johnny Dickie;
- House by the Cemetery
- House of VHS
- Houston
- how to clean mold VHS
- how to clean VHS
- How to remove mold from VHS
- Hugh Fleming
- Hutton & Smith Brewing Co.
- hydro dip VHS
- hydro dipped VHS
- hydro dipping
- I Drink Your Blood Blotter
- I Drink Your Blood Blu-Ray
- I Drink Your Blood VHS
- I'd Rather Be Watching VHS
- Illustration
- independent film
- Independent International Pictures
- independent video store
- indescribable
- Indie
- Indie Comix
- indie film
- Indie Horror
- Indie Horror NJ
- Indie zine
- inktober
- Interdimensional
- Interstellar VHS
- iPad
- iPhone
- Irina Nistor
- It Follows VHS
- Italian
- Jack Perez
- Jackie Chan
- Jackson Stewart
- Jacky Lawrence
- jaimz asmundson
- James Duval
- James Felix McKenney
- James Gilks VHS
- James L. Edwards
- James Westby
- Japan
- Japan VCR
- Jason Vorhees
- Jason Zink
- Jeff Richie
- Jeff Speakman
- Jekyll & Hyde Portfolio VHS
- Jerry White Jr
- jersey devil
- Jessica Kramer
- Jim Wynorski
- Jimmy Screamerclauz
- Joe La Scola
- Joe Ziemba
- Joel Hodgson
- John Campopiano
- John Carpenter
- John Carpenter VHS
- John Darnielle
- Johnny Dickie
- Jolt Cola
- Jon YonKondy
- Jordan Trahan
- Jorg Buttgereit
- Josh Hasty
- Josh Schafer
- Josh Schafer VHS
- JR Bookwalter
- Jungle Trap VHS
- just for kids scotch VHS
- Justin Ishmael
- Kansas City
- Kate Bush VHS
- Kay Bee
- Keene
- Kenny Caperton
- Key Video
- Kickstarter
- Kickstarter VHS
- kid flicks
- Kidprint
- Kidprint Video
- kids horror
- Kids movies
- Kids stuff
- Killian Wells
- Killian Wells VHS perfume
- Killian Wells XHS
- Killian Wells Xyrena
- kingdom of var
- Knoxville Horror Film Festival
- Kool Aid
- Krusty
- Kurt Dirt
- Kylebunga
- Kylebunga Death Wish
- Kylebunga Death Wish VHS
- Kylebunga VHS
- L.A. Ninja
- lamb legs
- lapel pins
- Laserblast
- Last VCR
- Late Night TV VHS
- Lawrence Zazelenchuk
- Learning
- Lee typeface
- Leo Weisz
- Leprechaun
- Leprechaun VHS
- Lester typeface
- Library Journal
- Library Journal VHS
- Life is Cheap VHS
- Light Up VHS Cover
- Lighten Up Sounds
- Limited Edition
- Limited Edition VHS
- Limited Editon VHS
- Limited VHS
- Lincoln NE video store
- Lisa Hammer
- Lisa Hammer Collection VHS
- Lisa Hammer Short Films
- Little Mermaid
- Lloyd Kaufman VHS Massacre
- lo-fi
- Lo-fi music
- Lo-Fi Rock
- Lo-Fi Video
- Lo-Fi Video VHS
- Lost Cat Games
- Lost footage
- Lost Media Archive
- Lou Rusconi
- Louis Justin
- Love Antiques VHS
- Lovechild Pictures
- Low Brow Art
- Low Brow Illustration
- low budget
- low budget movies
- low-budget horror
- Lowbrow Illustration
- Lucio Fulci
- Lunchmeat
- Lunchmeat Shirt
- Lunchmeat VHS
- Lunchmeat VHS Calendar
- Lunchmeat VHS Pillow
- Lunchmeat VHS shirt
- Luther's Mid-Fright Snack
- Luther's Midfright Snack
- Mad Hatter Design VHS
- Mad Max
- made for TV
- made for tv; made for cable; rare; obscure; never before released; previously unreleased
- Magnetic Highway
- Magnetic Magic Rentals
- Magnetic Memories
- Magnetic Memories Comic
- Magnificent Kaaboom VHS
- Mahoning Drive In
- Mahoning Drive In Theater
- Mahoning VHS Fest
- Mail In Offer
- Manborg
- mandela effect
- mandela effect berenstain
- mandela effect berenstein bears
- Maniac
- manual VHS rewinder
- Marion Stokes
- Marion Stokes Project
- Mark Brunelle
- Mark Polonia
- Mark Williams
- Marketing
- Martial Arts
- Massacre Up North
- Massacre Up North VHS
- Massacre Video
- Massacre Video VHS
- Matt D
- Matthew Dix VHS
- Matthew J. Hutchinson
- Matthew Spry
- MCA Home Video
- McDonalds Breakfast
- Media Crypt
- Media Crypt shirts
- media history
- Megafilms
- Megafoot
- Meijer
- Metal VHS
- Metamorphosis VHS
- Michael Gingold
- Michael Jackson
- Michael Jackson Thriller VHS
- Michael Myerz
- Michael Villella
- Michigan VHS
- Mick Wynhoff
- Mickey Mouse
- Midnight Video
- MIdnight Video Shirt
- Midnight Video VHS
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers VHS
- Mike Diana
- Mike Diana Trial
- Mike Hunchback
- Mike Malloy
- Mike Raso
- Mike Rentals
- Mile High Horror Film Festival
- Mind Rewinder
- mini VHS
- mini VHS figure
- mini video store
- miniature video store
- miniatures
- minis
- Minnesota
- Mixtape
- mixtapes
- Modern VHS
- mold on VHS
- mold removal
- mold removal machine
- moldy VHS
- Mollena Williams
- Mom and Pop shop
- Mom and Pop video shop
- mom and pop video store
- Mom and Pop's Video Shop
- Mondo
- Mondo Tees
- Mondo VHS
- Mondo Video
- Monovideomania
- Monster Cereal
- monster in the garage
- Monster Pictures
- Monsters
- Moonwalker
- Moonwalker VHS Sega Combo
- Most Valuable VHS in the World
- Most valuable VHS tapes
- Motorhead VHS
- Movie Melt Rental Sticker
- Movie Melt Sticker
- Movie Melt VHS Sticker
- movies
- Museum of VHS
- music
- music VHS
- music video
- Music Video Premiere
- music video VHS
- Mutant Massacre
- Mutant Massacre 2
- My Best Friend's Exorcism
- Myers House
- Myers House NC
- Mystery
- Mystery Science Theater 3000
- Mystic Museum
- mystical music
- Nate Pancakes
- National VCR Day
- NC
- Near death experience
- Necronomicon
- Necronomicon VCR
- Neil Hamburger
- Nekromantik
- Nekromantik boxset
- Nekromantik VHS
- neon noir
- Nerdcore
- Nerdist
- Netflix
- New Age
- New Age music
- New Age VHS
- New England
- New England Film
- New Hampshire
- New He-Man cartoon VHS
- New He-Man VHS
- new VHS
- new wave
- New Wave Independent Pictures
- New York Comic Con
- Newspapers.com
- Nick Shelton
- Nickelodeon VHS
- Night of 1000 VHS Tapes
- Night Watch
- Night Watch Zine
- Nightforce
- Nightforce Video
- Nightmare VHS Board Game
- NJ
- NJ video store
- No budget movies
- no wave
- Nobel Prize
- noise
- Nostaglia
- Nostalgia
- Not Bad Luck
- Nurse Jill
- Obscure
- obscure 80s action
- obscure action movies
- Obscure Candy
- obscure footage
- Obscure Public Access
- obscure VHS
- oddity
- offtrackoutlet VHS
- Old Skool Video
- Old Skool Video Rental Store
- Ontario OH
- Orange VHS
- Oregon
- oreo
- oreo cakesters
- oreo vhs
- original Vlogger
- OSI74
- Out on the Streets
- outsider cinema
- outsider hip hop
- paper
- Paramount Scope
- Paris Group International
- Paris Group International VHS
- Parody
- parts unknown
- Party
- Party Shirt
- Pat Moran
- Patchgame
- Patrick Moran
- Patrick Summers
- Peanut Butter Recall
- Pepsi
- Perry Stratychuk
- Phallus
- Phil Anselmo
- Phil Stevens horror
- Pieces
- Pingame
- Pink Mass Live in Leather
- Pink Mass Live in Leather VHS
- Pink Mass Philadelphia
- Pink Mass VHS
- Pink Ranger
- Pizza Hut
- Plastic Movies Rewound
- Playboy
- Playing Cards
- Plaza Theater Atlanta
- pollution
- Poor Milk
- Popcorn Poops
- Portland
- Portland Patch Project
- Poser Rot Cannibal Video
- Poser Rot Productions
- Poser Rot VHS
- Post-apocalyptic VHS
- practical FX
- Practical SFX
- Predator
- Preservation
- Project Get Reel
- Promotional
- psychedelic VHS
- Psychotronic
- Public Access
- public domain
- punk
- Punk Rock
- Punk Rock VHS
- PXL-2000
- Quasar
- Quasar VCR
- Quasar VHS
- Quasar VHS cabinet