Radical Rewind Goodies: The VHS FOREVER Patch from Portland Patch Project!
The #VHSforever hashtag is one that's been trending on the world weird web for a while now (peep it on Instagram if you’re so inclined!), and a sentiment that is seemingly resounding more and more as our favorite format continues its rise to total rebirth. And now, courtesy of the rewind-inclined peeps at Portland Patch Project you can now express your undying analog affection in patch form! Here’s a look at it below!
Thurrr she is, Tapeheads! The colors, Duke, the colors! Grab it here!
The patch is credited to Kris Johnsen, and will cost you 7 bones plus shipping. Here are the details on the patch directly from the PPP site: “Patch measures 3-2.75in. rectangle with multi-color design. The back of the patch has a plastic overlay for durability and protection. Recommended for sewing the patch to garments.” You can grab it by clickity-clicking this here hot link, Videovores. Dig it.
Groove and Groove and FORRRRREVVVVV-UR.
Josh Schafer