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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Courtney Fathom Sell, fresh VHS, low budget movies, New England Film, new VHS, No budget movies, Tracking Issues, Tracking Issues VHS, Weird Life LTR, Weird Life VHS -

The waves of fresh VHS excellence are steady rolling in, Tapeheads, and today in Lunchmeat Land we feature one of the more enthusiastic and exciting entities to enter the analog-inclined arena in recent rewind-inclined memory: Weird Life LTR. Since their inception in 2016, they’ve released a small army of fresh VHS releases, which I highly VHSuggest checking out via this here hot link.   It’s their newest release, however, that’s grabbed our attention with WLLTR issuing a limited edition videocassettte featuring filmmaker Courtney Fathom Sell’s homegrown and heartfelt documentary Tracking Issues. Tracking Issues is described by Sell as, “ chronicle...

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