All Seasons Entertainment, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, CIA, Guns, Jackie Chan, Lunchmeat VHS, Mystery, Self Defense, VHS, Video Sanctum -

If you happened to tune in to Lunchmeat’s Spare Parts about two weeks ago, you just might be privy to a mammoth score of video era artifacts and varied video formats attained by rewind-inclined online retailer VideoSanctum.com, acquired from the one of the longest running video retail shops there ever was: Audio / Video Plus in Houston, TX. The announcement of receiving, preserving and intently purveying about 100,000 individual items was analog epic, indeed, Tapeheads, but at the closing of that update, we also announced that Lunchmeat would be teaming up with VS to share out some of the most...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Kay Bee, Kids stuff, Kool Aid, Mail In Offer, Nostalgia, OH YEAH, Toys, VHS -

The majority of Videovores know the wild well. It’s an often inconsistent yet unfailingly enjoyable journey of scouring through myriad second-hand shops, dirt malls and Goodwill stores accompanied by hours of attacking and stacking endless mounds of magnetic magic, all in search of that radical rewind-inclined rush, otherwise known in Lunchmeat Land as a VHScore. Though nowadays you’re apt to find redundant copies of that taunting Titanic two-tape set and other random pieces of rewind refuse rather than a fantastic former rental copy of Alligator or a minty copy of Mankillers ,you can still VHSniff out a Media Home Entertainment...

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Beta, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Collecting, home video, Houston, Preservation, VHS, Video Sanctum, Video Stores -

Over the past few years (and then some), the advent of online forums and various other video-obsessed internet destinations have increased the ability to grab slabs of magnetic magic without leaving the comfort of your analog-filled abode. And though we here in Lunchmeat Land are perpetual proponents of the will to pull amazing finds from the wooly wild through sheer persistence and patience, it’s undeniable that the expansive VHS selection provided by the internet is pretty amazing, mang. One official analog-dealing entity that has come to the forefront of VHS collecting culture is an online destination called VideoSanctum.com. We interviewed...

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Bigfoot, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Horror, Megafilms, Megafoot, Splatter, Street Trash, Troma, VHS -

Plentiful years of video store experience and piles of high-profile production management with indie cinema giant Troma Entertainment have helped video enthusiast Matt Manjourides keep in stride with the analog dream. He’s the guy that helped convince Uncle Llyodie to put Troma trash classics back on tape, and serve ‘em up for your anti-digital delight in those bodacious and beautiful big boxes. Manjourides has since moved on from his post over at Troma, and is now out to create his own brand of magnetic magic with the first analog re-animation incarnation for his MegaFilms banner: the cult splatter classic Street...

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Beta, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Education, Japan, Learning, Obscure, School, TDK, The Asia Society, VHS -

By Josh Schafer   Here’s a radical slice of educational video era obscurity brought to my analog attention by my fellow Videovore and all-around radical rewind-inclined dude Matt Ridgeway. My fellow Tapeheads, I give you, the Video Letter from Japan! This advert was harvested from the January / February issue of Creative Classroom Magazine circa 1988, and offers up a series of six home video kits displaying themed glimpses of daily life in Japan through the eyes and experiences of Japanese students.   A full look at the advert for Video Letter from Japan! Bring on the international analog education!...

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