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1985 Games, RPG Dice, VHS aesthetic, VHS Dice, VHS RPG Dice -

By Ted Gilbert   Every time we press play on a new day it feels like VHS aesthetic is gaining a bigger foothold into nearly every aspect of culture. Sometimes it's unexpected and mildly unbelievable (see Kylie Jenner's recent make-up line), or sometimes it feels a little random (these VHS playing cards) or just plain funny (like this plush dog toy, and there a few out there). But sometimes, it just makes perfect VHSense, as is the case with these rewind-inclined RPG accoutrements from 1985 Games.     A quick glance at the $67,000 and counting this project has raised on Kickstarter so...

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handwritten VHS, handwritten VHS labels, home recorded VHS, vhs aesthetic -

By Josh Schafer   Few forsaken objects hold as much nostalgia power as the VHS tape. More than just the object itself, it’s the experiences involving this so-called obsolete piece of media that power this nearly nuclear level of nostalgia.  It’s evident in mass media, advertising, major merchandising, and even in people’s basements (where numerous nostalgiacs are building basement video stores), that a VHS revival is already here, and it’s only getting more play.   There’s always been the relatively small yet powerfully passionate pledges of long-running underground VHS culture (e.g. online Facebook groups, Instagram feeds aplenty, and dedicated VHS-driven...

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