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MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 Creator Joel Hodgson Launches a Kickstarter Campaign to Resurrect His Cult Cinema Comedy Show and Offers Up VHS Perk Alongside Many Others!
Often imitated but never duplicated, the awesomely influential and widely adored cult-cinema centric comedy show Mystery Science Theater 3000 may be returning from the grave. MST3K creator Joel Hodgson is currently running a 30 day campaign through Kickstarter to bring the show back for at least three more episodes, able to be made for a total pledge of $2,000,000, with a potential of 12 episodes AKA a full season (!!), made for about 5 and half million dollars. So, why is this of particular interest to Tapeheads everywhere? Aside from the fact that this show totally rules, and has paid...
- All
- '+76 Design
- 1-900-KILL-YOU
- 10 Coverfield Lane
- 16mm movies
- 1920s
- 1985 Games
- 20 Years of Madness
- 2017 Calendar
- 20s
- 3 Dead Trick or Treaters
- 3 Dead Trick or Treaters VHS
- 30 Years of Madness
- 555
- 555 VHS
- 5BORO VHS deck
- 5BORO VHS Series II
- 70s
- 80s
- 80s Action
- 80s horror
- 80s retro
- 80s sci-fi
- 80s sex comedy
- 80s VHS blanket
- 90s
- 90s aesthetics
- 90s horror
- 90s nostalgia
- 90s SOV movies
- 90s toys
- 90s VHS
- 90s VHS nostalgia
- Aaron Pratt
- Act of Vengeance
- action exploitation
- action movies
- action movies book
- Action VHS
- activism
- Adjust Your Tacking
- Adjust Your Tracking
- Adult Swim
- Advertising
- Afraid of the Basement
- Afraid of the Basement VHS
- Afterschool Spectral
- AIP Studios Shirt
- Alamo Drafthouse
- Alamo Drafthouse VHS
- Alamo Drafthouse Yonkers
- Alex Lukens
- Alien Beasts
- All Seasons Entertainment
- Allentown Free Event
- Alternative Cinema
- America's Deadliest Home Video
- America's Deadliest Home Video DVD
- America's Deadliest Home Video VHS
- American Scream Records
- Amvest
- Amvest Video
- Amy Jo Johnson
- analog
- Analog aesthetics
- Andy Bolus
- animation
- Animation VHS
- Animus Studios
- AOTB Video
- April Fools VHS
- Archie
- Ardmore PA
- Are You Afriad Afriad of the Dark
- art
- artbook
- artistic obscenity
- Asa Nisi Masa Films
- Asbury Park
- ASOBI Productions
- Astro Nautico
- at the video store
- Atlanta
- Atlanta Hip Hop
- Atlanta music
- Atlantic City
- Atlantic City NJ
- Audio Video Plus
- Audio/Video Plus
- Audio/Video Plus Archive
- Aussie VHS
- Australian Blu-Ray
- Australian VHS
- Automatons
- AVP Archive
- Babylon Video
- backwoods
- Bad Robot Productions
- Baltimore horror movie
- Barbara Crampton
- Baseball Horror
- Baseball Killer
- basement video store
- Batman & Robin
- BBC April Fools
- BBC Live Recording VHS
- BBC Store
- BBC Store Video
- BBC Top of the Pops
- Beauty and the Beast VHS
- Beauty and the Beast VHS value
- Beetlejuice VHS
- bend
- Beneath the Black Moon
- berenstain bears VHS
- berenstein bears berenstain bears
- Bernie
- Bernie Sanders
- Bernie Sanders VCR
- Bernie Sanders VHS
- Bernie VHS
- Beta
- Betamax
- Beyond the Gates
- Beyond the gates movie
- Beyond the Gates VHS
- Beyond Video
- Big Box Protectors
- Big Box VHS
- Bigfoot
- Bill D. Russell
- black and white
- Black Devil Doll
- Black Devil Doll from Hell
- Black Devil Doll from Hell Sequel
- Black Devil Doll from Hell VHS
- black metal
- Black Metal VHS
- Black Metal Yule Log
- Black VVideo
- Blackhearts
- Blackhearts documentary
- blank VHS
- Blasphemy
- Bleeding Skull
- Bleeding Skull VHS
- Bleeding Skull! Video
- Blockbuster
- Blockbuster commercial
- Blockbuster Video
- Blockbuster Video commercial
- Blonde Death
- Blonde Death VHS
- Blood Video
- Blood Video Special Edition
- Bobbi Young
- bogus brat pack
- Boiled Angel
- Booger Boys 3D
- Brains
- Brantley Palmer
- Brian Bosworth
- Brian Papandrea
- Brick NJ Video Store
- Brinke Stevens
- Brooklyn Fire Proof
- Brooklyn Fire Proof Summer Screenings
- Brooklyn NY
- Brooklyn NY VHS
- Brooklyn VHS
- Brute Heart
- Burbank CA
- Burglar from Hell
- CA
- Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
- cable access television
- Caetlin Benson-Allott
- cakesters
- Calder Greenwood
- Camcorder
- Camel
- Camp Motion Pictures
- Camp Motion Pictures VHS
- Campfire Pictures
- Canada
- Canadian Film
- Canadian Horror
- Candle Flame Films
- Candle Linguini
- Candy Claw
- Cannibal Airlines VHS
- Cannibal Campout
- Cannibal Campout VHS
- Cannibal Claus
- cards
- Carl J. Sukenick
- Carl Sukenick
- Carl Sukenick VHS
- Carpenter VHS collection
- Cartoons
- Cassette Soundtrack
- Category_Cartoons
- Category_Collecting
- Category_Comics
- Category_Groovy Stuff
- Category_Horror
- Category_Music
- Category_Screenings
- Category_Uncategorized
- Category_VHS
- Category_Weirdness
- Catherine Walsh
- CaveWomen
- Celluloid Apocalypse
- Century Bar Philadelphia
- Champion Video
- Chaos AD
- Charles Bronson
- Charles Clary
- Charles Pinion
- Chattanooga
- Cherry Coke
- Chester N. Turner
- Chester Turner
- Chicago
- Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things VCI
- Chill
- chillwave
- Chlller Theater
- Chopping Mall
- Chris Bahr
- Christmas
- Christmas VHS
- Cigarettes
- Cinedelphia Film Festival
- Cinedelphia Film Festival Free Screening
- Cinema
- cinema history
- City of the Dream Demons
- City of the Dream Demons VHS
- Clamshell VHS
- classic
- claymation
- Collectable playing cards
- collectible perfume
- collectible VHS
- Collecting
- Collin Major
- color VHS
- color VHS shell
- Com Truise
- Come and Get It
- Comedy
- Comedy Central
- Comic Book Documentaries
- Comic Book VHS
- Comic Books
- Comics
- coming-of-age
- Commercials
- Communism
- conspiracy theory
- Cool stuff
- Corpse Eaters
- Courtney Fathom Sell
- Courtney Sell
- cover art
- Crazy Video Candy
- cream of the crap
- Creatures for Kids
- Creepy Co.
- Creepy Company Horror Sticker
- Creepy Jason
- Creepy Jason VHS and Chill
- Crimson Mask Studios
- Crystal Vista VHS
- Cult
- cult action
- Cult action VHS
- cult film
- cult fim
- Cult Movie Mania
- Cult Movies
- Cult of Monster
- Cult VHS
- Curb wax
- custom
- custom coffee table
- Custom Death Wish VHS
- Custom Death Wish VHS art
- custom NECA accessory
- Custom VCR
- Custom Vestron Shoes
- Custom VHS
- Custom Wizard Video shoes
- custom-painted
- Dacoda Montana
- Dallas Campbell
- Danny Bonaduce
- Danny McBride
- Danzig
- dark
- Darren J Perry
- Dave Castiglione
- David Gary
- David Heavener
- David J. Gary
- david j. moore
- david j. moore book
- David S. Sterling
- David Sterling
- Deadpool signed Blu Ray
- Deadpool VHS
- Death Metal Zombies VHS
- Death Waltz Recordings
- Death Wish
- Death Wish Movie
- Death Wish VHS
- Deathwish Skateboards
- Deathwish VHS Skateboard
- Deceker Vs Dracula VHS
- Decker Vs Dracula
- demons
- Derek Erdman
- Desert Cathedral
- Desert Cathedral VHS
- Devon Whitehead
- Dimitri Kourtchine
- Disney
- Doctor Butcher MD
- Documentary
- Dolph Lundgren
- Don't Let the Devil In
- Donner Dave
- Doritos
- double-feature VHS
- Dr. Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks VHS
- Dr. Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks VHS Value
- drama
- Drive In VHS Fest
- Drive In VHS Fest 666
- Drive-In
- Druid Underground Film Festival
- Dustin Ferguson
- Dustin Kramer
- Dylan Hughes
- Dylan Hughes Skate Tape
- Earl Kess
- earrings
- Ecto Cooler
- Ed Templeton
- Eddie Sphughetti Halloween Companion VHS
- Eddie Spuhghetti VHS
- Edmund Kemper VHS
- Education
- Eibon Press
- electro
- Electronics
- Elissa Dowling
- Elvira
- Elvis
- Elvis Costello VHS
- Embriodered Patch
- embroidered patch
- enamel pins
- Encore Home Video
- entertainment
- Ernest
- Ernest goes to Camp Crystal Lake
- Ernest VHS
- Erry Vision Films
- EUROCRIME! documentary
- Everything is Terrible
- Everything to Entertain You
- Evil Dead
- Evil Dead VCR
- Ex Machina
- EX-Film
- Exclusive Clip
- Executioner The Musical
- Executioner The Musical VHS
- ExMachina VHS
- Experimental
- experimental film
- Experimental Horror
- experimental music
- experimental VHS
- Exploitation
- expressionism
- Faces of Death
- fake VHS
- Fangoria
- Fanny Pack
- fantasy art
- Fantasy VHS
- Farside Toronto
- Field of Screams Horror Movie
- Field of Screams Teaser
- Field of Screams Trailer
- Film
- FIlm Threat VHS
- Film Trauma
- Filmation
- Five Wits Brewing
- FL
- Fleer Candy
- Fleer Crazy Video Candy
- Florida
- Florida Skateboarding
- FLOWERS horror film
- FLOWERS Phil Stevens
- Forbidden Planet
- Forbidden Transmission VHS
- Forever Bogus
- Forever Bogus Brat Pack
- Forever Bogus VHS
- found footage
- found footage VHS
- Fox Home Video
- Frank Henenlotter
- Frankenhooker VHS
- Free as Dead
- Free as Dead VHS
- French
- fresh VHS
- Friday the 13th
- Friday the 13th Part 2 lost footage VHS
- Fright Rags
- Fright Rags Horror Sticker
- Fright Rags Horror Sticker socks
- Fright Rags VHS Socks
- Fright Rags Video Series
- Fruity Records
- FSG Books
- Fulci
- Fun
- Funai Electric
- Funny
- Fury Road
- GA
- Gaahl
- Gary Whitson
- Gautier Cazenave
- Gee Video
- German
- Get Reel
- Glass Eye Pix
- Glitch aesthetics
- glitch art
- Glitch VHS
- glitch wave
- gold VHS
- Goodwill
- Gore
- goth
- goth industrial
- Grady Hendrix
- Grampire VHS
- Graphic Design
- Graveface
- Graveface Records
- Green Horror Sticker
- Gregg Turkington
- Grindhouse
- Grindhouse Releasing
- Groovy Graveyard
- Guns
- hacksaw jim duggan
- Halloween
- Halloween commericials
- Halloween Companion
- Halloween horror
- Halloween mixtape
- Halloween nostalgia
- Halloween specials
- Halloween VHS
- Haloween VHS
- hand cut
- handwritten VHS
- handwritten VHS labels
- Hate
- Haullywood Video Rentals
- Haunted
- Haunted House of Sorority Row
- Hayden Hall
- He-Man VHS
- Head Cleaner
- Headcheese VHS
- Heavy Metal Massacre
- Heavy Metal Massacre VHS
- Helvete Video
- Henrique Couto
- Her VHS
- Here Lies
- Hip Hop VHS
- history
- Holiday
- holiday horror
- Hologram Cop
- home recorded VHS
- home recording
- home video
- home video history
- Home Video Horrors
- home video industry
- Home Video Workout Tape
- Honeyspider
- horor
- Horror
- Horror Anthology
- Horror Anthology VHS
- horror art
- Horror Boobs
- Horror Calendar
- horror comedy
- Horror Decor
- Horror Decor VHS Pillow
- horror history
- horror host
- Horror Hosting
- Horror Hypo
- Horror Movies
- Horror Paperback
- horror perfume
- Horror Reaper
- Horror Reaper VHS sticker
- Horror shirts
- horror SOV
- Horror Sticker
- Horror Sticker pants
- Horror Sticker socks
- Horror VCR
- Horror VHS
- Horror VHS Blanket
- Horror VHS Calendar
- Horror VHS Collectors Unite
- Horror VHS Collectors Unite Convention
- Horror VHS Swap
- horror; comedy; gore; VHS; Video Violence; Gary Cohen; Lunchmeat; Frankenstein; shot on video; SOV; cable acccess; independent; Limited Edition; Pang; Johnny Dickie;
- House by the Cemetery
- House of VHS
- Houston
- how to clean mold VHS
- how to clean VHS
- How to remove mold from VHS
- Hugh Fleming
- Hutton & Smith Brewing Co.
- hydro dip VHS
- hydro dipped VHS
- hydro dipping
- I Drink Your Blood Blotter
- I Drink Your Blood Blu-Ray
- I Drink Your Blood VHS
- I'd Rather Be Watching VHS
- Illustration
- independent film
- Independent International Pictures
- independent video store
- indescribable
- Indie
- Indie Comix
- indie film
- Indie Horror
- Indie Horror NJ
- Indie zine
- inktober
- Interdimensional
- Interstellar VHS
- iPad
- iPhone
- Irina Nistor
- It Follows VHS
- Italian
- Jack Perez
- Jackie Chan
- Jackson Stewart
- Jacky Lawrence
- jaimz asmundson
- James Duval
- James Felix McKenney
- James Gilks VHS
- James L. Edwards
- James Westby
- Japan
- Japan VCR
- Jason Vorhees
- Jason Zink
- Jeff Richie
- Jeff Speakman
- Jekyll & Hyde Portfolio VHS
- Jerry White Jr
- jersey devil
- Jessica Kramer
- Jim Wynorski
- Jimmy Screamerclauz
- Joe La Scola
- Joe Ziemba
- Joel Hodgson
- John Campopiano
- John Carpenter
- John Carpenter VHS
- John Darnielle
- Johnny Dickie
- Jolt Cola
- Jon YonKondy
- Jordan Trahan
- Jorg Buttgereit
- Josh Hasty
- Josh Schafer
- Josh Schafer VHS
- JR Bookwalter
- Jungle Trap VHS
- just for kids scotch VHS
- Justin Ishmael
- Kansas City
- Kate Bush VHS
- Kay Bee
- Keene
- Kenny Caperton
- Key Video
- Kickstarter
- Kickstarter VHS
- kid flicks
- Kidprint
- Kidprint Video
- kids horror
- Kids movies
- Kids stuff
- Killian Wells
- Killian Wells VHS perfume
- Killian Wells XHS
- Killian Wells Xyrena
- kingdom of var
- Knoxville Horror Film Festival
- Kool Aid
- Krusty
- Kurt Dirt
- Kylebunga
- Kylebunga Death Wish
- Kylebunga Death Wish VHS
- Kylebunga VHS
- L.A. Ninja
- lamb legs
- lapel pins
- Laserblast
- Last VCR
- Late Night TV VHS
- Lawrence Zazelenchuk
- Learning
- Lee typeface
- Leo Weisz
- Leprechaun
- Leprechaun VHS
- Lester typeface
- Library Journal
- Library Journal VHS
- Life is Cheap VHS
- Light Up VHS Cover
- Lighten Up Sounds
- Limited Edition
- Limited Edition VHS
- Limited Editon VHS
- Limited VHS
- Lincoln NE video store
- Lisa Hammer
- Lisa Hammer Collection VHS
- Lisa Hammer Short Films
- Little Mermaid
- Lloyd Kaufman VHS Massacre
- lo-fi
- Lo-fi music
- Lo-Fi Rock
- Lo-Fi Video
- Lo-Fi Video VHS
- Lost Cat Games
- Lost footage
- Lost Media Archive
- Lou Rusconi
- Louis Justin
- Love Antiques VHS
- Lovechild Pictures
- Low Brow Art
- Low Brow Illustration
- low budget
- low budget movies
- low-budget horror
- Lowbrow Illustration
- Lucio Fulci
- Lunchmeat
- Lunchmeat Shirt
- Lunchmeat VHS
- Lunchmeat VHS Calendar
- Lunchmeat VHS Pillow
- Lunchmeat VHS shirt
- Luther's Mid-Fright Snack
- Luther's Midfright Snack
- Mad Hatter Design VHS
- Mad Max
- made for TV
- made for tv; made for cable; rare; obscure; never before released; previously unreleased
- Magnetic Highway
- Magnetic Magic Rentals
- Magnetic Memories
- Magnetic Memories Comic
- Magnificent Kaaboom VHS
- Mahoning Drive In
- Mahoning Drive In Theater
- Mahoning VHS Fest
- Mail In Offer
- Manborg
- mandela effect
- mandela effect berenstain
- mandela effect berenstein bears
- Maniac
- manual VHS rewinder
- Marion Stokes
- Marion Stokes Project
- Mark Brunelle
- Mark Polonia
- Mark Williams
- Marketing
- Martial Arts
- Massacre Up North
- Massacre Up North VHS
- Massacre Video
- Massacre Video VHS
- Matt D
- Matthew Dix VHS
- Matthew J. Hutchinson
- Matthew Spry
- MCA Home Video
- McDonalds Breakfast
- Media Crypt
- Media Crypt shirts
- media history
- Megafilms
- Megafoot
- Meijer
- Metal VHS
- Metamorphosis VHS
- Michael Gingold
- Michael Jackson
- Michael Jackson Thriller VHS
- Michael Myerz
- Michael Villella
- Michigan VHS
- Mick Wynhoff
- Mickey Mouse
- Midnight Video
- MIdnight Video Shirt
- Midnight Video VHS
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers VHS
- Mike Diana
- Mike Diana Trial
- Mike Hunchback
- Mike Malloy
- Mike Raso
- Mike Rentals
- Mile High Horror Film Festival
- Mind Rewinder
- mini VHS
- mini VHS figure
- mini video store
- miniature video store
- miniatures
- minis
- Minnesota
- Mixtape
- mixtapes
- Modern VHS
- mold on VHS
- mold removal
- mold removal machine
- moldy VHS
- Mollena Williams
- Mom and Pop shop
- Mom and Pop video shop
- mom and pop video store
- Mom and Pop's Video Shop
- Mondo
- Mondo Tees
- Mondo VHS
- Mondo Video
- Monovideomania
- Monster Cereal
- monster in the garage
- Monster Pictures
- Monsters
- Moonwalker
- Moonwalker VHS Sega Combo
- Most Valuable VHS in the World
- Most valuable VHS tapes
- Motorhead VHS
- Movie Melt Rental Sticker
- Movie Melt Sticker
- Movie Melt VHS Sticker
- movies
- Museum of VHS
- music
- music VHS
- music video
- Music Video Premiere
- music video VHS
- Mutant Massacre
- Mutant Massacre 2
- My Best Friend's Exorcism
- Myers House
- Myers House NC
- Mystery
- Mystery Science Theater 3000
- Mystic Museum
- mystical music
- Nate Pancakes
- National VCR Day
- NC
- Near death experience
- Necronomicon
- Necronomicon VCR
- Neil Hamburger
- Nekromantik
- Nekromantik boxset
- Nekromantik VHS
- neon noir
- Nerdcore
- Nerdist
- Netflix
- New Age
- New Age music
- New Age VHS
- New England
- New England Film
- New Hampshire
- New He-Man cartoon VHS
- New He-Man VHS
- new VHS
- new wave
- New Wave Independent Pictures
- New York Comic Con
- Nick Shelton
- Nickelodeon VHS
- Night of 1000 VHS Tapes
- Night Watch
- Night Watch Zine
- Nightforce
- Nightforce Video
- Nightmare VHS Board Game
- NJ
- NJ video store
- No budget movies
- no wave
- Nobel Prize
- noise
- Nostaglia
- Nostalgia
- Not Bad Luck
- Nurse Jill
- Obscure
- obscure 80s action
- obscure action movies
- Obscure Candy
- obscure footage
- Obscure Public Access
- obscure VHS
- oddity
- offtrackoutlet VHS
- Old Skool Video
- Old Skool Video Rental Store
- Ontario OH
- Orange VHS
- Oregon
- oreo
- oreo cakesters
- oreo vhs
- original Vlogger
- OSI74
- Out on the Streets
- outsider cinema
- outsider hip hop
- paper
- Paramount Scope
- Paris Group International
- Paris Group International VHS
- Parody
- parts unknown
- Party
- Party Shirt
- Pat Moran
- Patchgame
- Patrick Moran
- Patrick Summers
- Peanut Butter Recall
- Pepsi
- Perry Stratychuk
- Phallus
- Phil Anselmo
- Phil Stevens horror
- Pieces
- Pingame
- Pink Mass Live in Leather
- Pink Mass Live in Leather VHS
- Pink Mass Philadelphia
- Pink Mass VHS
- Pink Ranger
- Pizza Hut
- Plastic Movies Rewound
- Playboy
- Playing Cards
- Plaza Theater Atlanta
- pollution
- Poor Milk
- Popcorn Poops
- Portland
- Portland Patch Project
- Poser Rot Cannibal Video
- Poser Rot Productions
- Poser Rot VHS
- Post-apocalyptic VHS
- practical FX
- Practical SFX
- Predator
- Preservation
- Project Get Reel
- Promotional
- psychedelic VHS
- Psychotronic
- Public Access
- public domain
- punk
- Punk Rock
- Punk Rock VHS
- PXL-2000
- Quasar
- Quasar VCR
- Quasar VHS
- Quasar VHS cabinet