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Black VVideo, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_Music, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Chicago, Executioner The Musical, Executioner The Musical VHS, fresh VHS, horror SOV, Horror VHS, new VHS, Scott Grenke, slasher VHS, SOV, VHS Collecting -

The production of new VHS releases (or as we like to call them here in Lunchmeat Land “fresh VHS”) continue to roll into VCRs at a rewind-radical rate. There is a robust collection of companies currently keeping the analog dream alive: Us here at Lunchmeat are VHSteadily supplying tasty tape treats of all inclinations (with plenty more to come!); Witter Entertainment is connecting Tapeheads and modern day horror; Retro Release Video is re-animating killer cult classics; and our Videovore homies at Horror Boobs are back from a home video-releasing hiatus, ready to bring you the best of low-budget brain-melters and beyond straight...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, fresh VHS, Horror Movies, Horror VHS, new VHS, Shudder, Shudder Original, Shudder VHS, slasher VHS, The Ranger -

LUNCHMEAT is absolutely VHStoked to put our home video-lovin’ heads together with Hood River Entertainment and Glass Eye Pix once again to bring the backwoods, punk rock slasher THE RANGER back to fresh VHS! THE RANGER is now available on videocassette in two different packaging styles: the classic black clamshell presentation, and now an amazing full-color slipcase version, both featuring the artwork from the phenomenal hand of Marc Shoenbach and Sadist Art Designs! And get this: Both of the newly produced VHS editions are pressed on radical blood red videocassettes! DIG IT! THE RANGER on VHS from LUNCHMEAT is NOW...

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