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90s, Blockbuster, Blockbuster Video, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Kidprint, Kidprint Video, Nostalgia, Obscure, oddity, safety, VHS -

While out rummaging through the wild this past weekend on my never-ending quest for slabs of black plastic gold, the rack of rewind remnants resting at DVD Game Exchange in the totally radical New Castle Farmers Market in New Castle, DE offered me one of the most intriguingly odd and amusingly uncomfortable video finds I’ve come across in quite a long time: The Blockbuster Kidprint Identification Video! Here it is, my fellow Videovores. An Official Kidprint tape from Blockbuster. There's gotta be a pin floating around with this Kidprint logo. There just has to be. Created around 1990 through a...

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