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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS -

Most any certifiable Videovore will readily admit that nostalgia is a major player when it comes to their affection for slabs of analog amazement. Our collective video era memories will attest to the notion that there’s just nothing quite like the experience of roaming through those stacks and racks of video excess featuring an arsenal of too groovy video covers leering out at you, offering an assortment of arresting images, titillating titles and the distinct aesthetic allure that only VHS can capture. And for the past couple of years now our fellow video era enthusiast Eric Plouffe has been sharing...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Season’s Meatings, Videovores! It’s that time of the year when slay bells are wringing and axe grinders are singing… and bad Christmas puns abound, as if there were no better words worth slinging! And after you’ve ripped the paper flesh from your gifts aplenty, and you realize your credit cards are maxed out from too much spending, there sits your VCR patiently waiting... for fresh VHS flesh to chew in order to make the season bright, illuminating your face with awe and with fright... to bring you yuletide evenings full of strange seasonal cinematic delights! Well, that’s just about what...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

It’s that time of year, Tapeheads! The echoing sounds of crunching candy, shrieks of sugar-soaked ecstasy, the sweet scent of plastic skeletons and an army of other distinct seasonal delights all signal that All Hallows Eve is knocking on our door. And in light of all the festive fright, I’ve gathered up a groovy goodie bag of Halloween tape treats that’ll rot your brain and stick to your teeth. In a good way, man! Now, we all know most folks have got some serious mainstays when it comes to the token Halloween-O-Rama Movie Marathon Spooktacular : you’ve got your HALLOWEEN,...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Here on LUNCHMEAT’s Spare Parts, you’re apt to uncover a whole mess of analog oddities and obsessions in the horror, sci-fi and exploitation arena; and to be quite honest, the majority of voracious VHS collectors out there do indeed gravitate to the more bloody and / or bonkers end of the cinema spectrum. But there are other Videovores out there with varying inclinations when it comes to collecting magnetic magic. Take for instance, Mr. David A. Scott, the inventor of The VCR from Heck: a website dedicated to documenting public domain animation tapes and their sometimes bizarre, sometimes beautiful but...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

While wandering through the world weird web today, I came across an exciting addition to the ever-expanding array of video era appreciation incarnations that’ve been cavorting across the analog revival landscape, bolstering the presence of our once un(der)recognized sub-culture. You may recall some VHS love via video games earlier this year with FAR CRY 3: BLOODRAGON, and watch out now ‘cause here it comes again, only this time in a micro-gaming platform set forth by the Italy-based design studio Santa Ragione. Let us begin with a close-up of one of the shelves. All I gotta say is: ALIEN DEAD Star...

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