SHIT WIZARD HOME VIDEO Offers Up Newly Produced VHS / BETA Big Box Protector Sleeves! Preserve Those Dope Rarities, Videovores!!

Big Box Protectors, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Shit Wizard Home Video, VHS cases, VHS Collecting, VHS preservations, VHS Protectors, VHS storage -

SHIT WIZARD HOME VIDEO Offers Up Newly Produced VHS / BETA Big Box Protector Sleeves! Preserve Those Dope Rarities, Videovores!!

Let’s face it, Tapeheads: if you have a predilection for super-sexy slabs of horror, cult, and exploitation titles on tape in the modern VHS market (especially of the big box persuasion) it has the tendency to get pretty pricey. As the popularity of the home video collector hobby continues to climb to a new level, so has the passion of its participants.


And, for many, that equals slapping down some considerable amounts of cash for these dynamic double-doses of aesthetic and entertainment. Now, there are notions that the current VHS collector market is over-inflated and at times downright ridiculous, while others warrant triple digit price tags for the sake of VHSexiness, obscurity and relative rarity. But, at best, it’s become apparent that the pricing for VHS is a volatile beast, often times showing apparent signs of instability and unpredictability.


Ultimately, these videos are truly starting to mirror classic collectibles, and also echo the tried and true collectible mantra: they’re are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them. This is all to say that coveted titles command cash, and if you’re of the analog-inclined ilk to snatch up your most desired tape no matter what the cost, it’s probably a good idea to protect that investment and treat those tapes with care. Cue enterprising Tapehead Chris Gruber who has recently taken the time to develop and distribute a whole new batch of Big Box VHS and Beta protectors with his nascent imprint Shit Wizard Home Video.




The newly-produced VHS / BETA Big Box Case Protectors from SHIT WIZARD! Not just a clever name! Grab yours HERE.



While these clear vinyl VHS protectors have existed in the past (Rod Lanham / VHS is Dead distributed these a few years back), the bulk of the stock from the OG video era is drying up. So, Gruber decided to bring these dope rarity storage essentials back to the Tapeheads that need them. As of right now, only the Big Box VHS and Beta size is available, but more fits are coming soon. And the prices? They’ll be a bit easier on the Paypal. Gruber explains, “I do plan to have regular slips and Betas made in the near future… after the initial run of these 1,000 I'll be able to lower the prices a bit. Tooling setup cost a pretty penny initially.” More choices and cheaper? You know we can dig it, dude.




An example of how one of YOUR video treasures will look in SHIT WIZARD's Big Box protector sleeves! Dope Thriller Video slab not included, dude!



Shit Wizard Home Video plans to offer up some other VHS-centric novelties in the near future, but for right now you can groove to their online store and buy the big box protectors in packs of 5, 10, 25 and 50, with the option to reach out directly and make a deal if you want a thicker stack. Stay tuned to the Shit Wizard Home Video online store for updates on the types of protectors available, and make sure you tell’em Lunchmeat VHSent ya, man!


Groove and Groove and Protect Ya Neck.



Josh Schafer

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