Category_VHS RSS

Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

I was first introduced to Brian Weaver and Evan Makrogiannis’ directorial work with a film called The Super. I had actually been acquainted with Brian through his interest in the magazine (and mutual interest in video esoterica, of course) and I was thrilled to be in touch with someone that was making such a groovy independent horror production, especially a flick that features the cult beauty (and one of my personal favorites) Lynn Lowry. But when I heard that the NY based directorial duo was releasing their homage to the seedy grindhouse era entitled The Turnpike Killer on VHS in...

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Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Bobby Canipe is a guy that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting through the wonderful world of VHS obsession. Ever since I’ve come into contact with him, he’s represented himself as an extremely enthusiastic and involved individual in the VHS collector culture. We’ve geeked out many a time about obscure flicks and analog awesomeness, especially a little flick called Lunch Meat. So, when he announced that he was going to be creating his very first full-length feature that would champion the 80s VHS Horror aesthetic, I just had to know more about it. Read on, Videovores, and let your brain...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_Uncategorized, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

The army of Videvores out there are well aware of the fact that mold is one the VHS tape’s mortal enemies. There’s no bigger analog bummer than unearthing a radical tape, slipping it from the case for inspection and finding the reels ravaged by abominable white mold! Damn, it’s the worst! However, it just so happens there’s now an instance where a certain unfriendly fungi and the VHS tape can live in perfect harmony: the Horror Boobs Video VHS release of Neil Meschino’s MOLD! The ultra-groovy one-sheet for MOLD! How's that mold taste, Congressman Blankenship? Released in 2009, MOLD! was...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Howdy, Videovores! Jacob AKA Uncouth here to hip you to an awesome UK based horror fanzine I recently stumbled across in my frequent journeys through the weirdness. I’m a huge fan of print zines (hence my contributions to Lunchmeat!) and I’m always on the prowl for new ones... or... in this case... ones that are new to me! A prime example of the amazingly DIY covers for NECRONOMICON!! Dig that cut and paste smack in the face!! Necronomicon Fanzine has been in publication since way back in 2001! Currently on issue 23, the zine’s creator Necro Neil, has been pumping...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS -

Johnny Dickie is an extremely avid (and super-cool) VHS collector who not only runs his own website called Video Vendetta which is dedicated to showcasing and reviewing some of the grooviest and most obscure VHS flicks known to the Videovore , he's also just completed his very first full-length feature entitled SLAUGHTER TALES (premiering next Saturday, May 19th at Severed Sinema's Film Festival first ever VHS Event!) all written, directed and edited by Johnny himself. But you wanna know what's even more groovy? Johnny's done all of this before his 15th birthday. And while he's quick to dismiss his age...

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