NECRONOMICON FANZINE conjures up the love for VHS in the UK!
Howdy, Videovores! Jacob AKA Uncouth here to hip you to an awesome UK based horror fanzine I recently stumbled across in my frequent journeys through the weirdness. I’m a huge fan of print zines (hence my contributions to Lunchmeat!) and I’m always on the prowl for new ones... or... in this case... ones that are new to me!
A prime example of the amazingly DIY covers for NECRONOMICON!! Dig that cut and paste smack in the face!!
A super-groovy retro ad for NECRONOMICON featuring Necro Neil posing as some form of classy horror forecaster: "And for today, lots of blood, boobs and beasts. It's a great day to die!"
A sample of what lurks inside NECRONOMICON: Sweet review of THE SLAYER and some ROB ZOMBIE action.
And dig this: Necro Neil clues his readers in on his VHS tattoo. Too groovy, mang. The VHS captures everything we love, too, Neil!!