Category_Horror RSS

Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

New entities of video-obsessed entrepreneurs are releasing tapes all over the place, paying homage to their most beloved analog obscurities and rescuing them from certain cinematic oblivion. But there's one company that's been doing it since 1992, and they've recently re-animated their VHS label Sub Rosa to bring all the Videovores out there some retro-slices of SOV madness along with what promises to be a long line of video trastherpieces to come. SRS Proprietor and video-era veteran Ron Bonk spills his guts all about the history of his company and its dealings with the SOV distribution market, the ballooning VHS...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS -

So you’ve gone through the process of cleaning the whole film from start to finish as outlined in part one, and there’s still mold on your tape. Again, if its large areas affected, it’s probably never going to clean up - but if it’s the “mold dots” and they don’t want to go away, they’re on the clear plastic spool that houses the precious magnetic film. Spool mold is by far the lesser of the two evils, but more complex to correct. For some reason, the mold will eat into the plastic almost twice as fast and viciously as the...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Comics, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

One of the grooviest things about having a snail mail address is getting cool stuff in the mail, right? You’re damn skippy. And, here at Lunchmeat, we’re fortunate enough to receive some pretty neato stuff e.g. VHS tapes, strange cryptic letters and groovy-as-hell indie publications from other folks who love VHS as much as we do. And as luck may have it, this past mail call contained one of my personal favorite fanzines that champion the almighty analog format: CRIMSON SCREENS! CRIMSON SCREENS #11 has arrived! And it RULES! Ed-in-Chief and Indie Publisher Edward Black was gracious enough to send...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Over here in Lunchmeat Land, we’re always down to champion and applaud all types of homegrown and independent ventures, especially when they’re (blood)soaked with retro-horror sensibilities. Influenced by the distinctive atmosphere of late 70s and early 80s fright flicks and armed with an undaunted DIY attitude, PIGFARMER GAMES proprietor and programmer extraordinaire Ben Cocuzza is hacking away in his Brooklyn abode in order to bring all you video game nostalgia lovers a misadventure of the killing kind… a game where YOU grip the blade and deal the death: SANITARIUM MASSACRE! And, hey, anyone that takes inspiration from SOV auteur Todd...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

It's happened to all us Tapeheads: a great deal on eBay, finding a tape in a thrift store, or catching something awesome at a rental shop still stuck in the past. You're so caught up in the moment that you grab the tape and clutch it like an idol, and chances are, it's pretty rare. Then you realize that pretty black magnetic film has some weird looking white dots on it. Yep, that deal you just got is covered in mold… DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible if you royally fuck your shit up. The first time I had to do...

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