SLIME CITY Comes Back to VHS with Super Limited Halloween Edition from CAMP MOTION PICTURES! PLUS! More VHS Re-Animation from CAMP!
Some of the more voracious Videovores out there will likely remember the limited edition re-issue of Greg Lambertson’s ooey-gooey splatter epic Slime City that was unleashed for this past VHSummer’s most righteous rewind-inclined event VHS FEST at Mahoning Drive-In Theater.
You’ll also probably remember that those spectacular pink, green, and yellow videocassette re-issues got gobbled up quicker than you can say “I like what’s happening to me!” But for Halloween 2017 at Chiller Theater, Camp Motion Pictures brought Slime City back on classic black videocassettes, and luckily, they still have a few ready to be consumed on their official eBay store! Just click here to grab the slab, Tapeheads! But act fast… who knows when they’ll come back… if ever, man! This collector’s edition release features a brand new 1.78:1 transfer from the original film elements supervised by the director.
SLIME CITY is back in black, Tapeheads!
CMP also issued a limited edition VHS release for the neo-cult classic WNUF Halloween Special, but as you can probably guess, those slabs were snatched up without delay and are now VHiStory. We almost didn’t want to tell you, but Tapeheads should know that they’re out there, and they’re beautiful.
Already gone?! Mannnn, listen...
Hey-yo, Camp! If you’re reading this, we beg you: please make this radical WNUF full-color slipcase VHS release available all the time! The rewind-inclined really, really want it, dudes! It’s just a beaut! CMP stacked up even more VHS re-animation this Halloween with the release of Haunted House on Sorority Row, which is also currently available via Camp’s Official eBay store. You can check out the trailer for HHoSR by clicking this here hot link, Tapeheads.
Bangin' a chick in a Haunted House? Bucket list shit! Yep, that's in there, Tapeheads.
There’s even more VHS re-issues ready to roll from Camp, including Scarewaves, Psycho Kickboxer, Night Terrors, Babysitter Massacre, and Kill, Granny, Kill, all available RIGHT HERE. Limited quantities remain on all these fresh VHS from Camp, Tapeheads, so groove on over and snatch these slabs before you can’t! JUST CLICK HERE!
Groove and Groove and You Know What to Do.
Josh Schafer