THE MAHONING DRIVE-IN and LUNCHMEAT Proudly Present DRIVE-IN VHS-FEST! Click for Full Details and Ticket Information!
One of the most exciting and highly anticipated VHS-driven events of the year is nearly here, Tapeheads! In just about 30 days and 30 nights, on the weekend of July 7th, 8th , and 9th at The Mahoning Drive-In Theatre in Lehighton, PA, the first-ever Drive-In VHS Fest will be rockin’, rollin’, and ready to boogie-woogie on your brain! LUNCHMEAT is proud to partner with the rewind-inclined crew at Mahoning Drive-In Theater to bring you a most excellent weekend of absolute VHS madness projected on the big, big screen! The main movie line-up will include an array of shot-on-video and rental era essentials including Video Violence and Video Violence 2, Slime City, Cannibal Campout (all courtesy of Camp Motion Pictures), The Abomination, Mutilations (courtesy of Massacre Video), Faces of Death (courtesy of MPI / Gorgon) and Tim Ferrante’s Drive-In Madness (courtesy of SRS Cinema)! You can purchase your tickets (at just 10 bucks each!) for the Friday and Saturday festivities via Ticketfly. Overnight camping is highly encouraged! Just be sure to bring your own tent, man, or you’ll be sleepin’ under the VHStars!
The Official and absolutely fantastic poster art for the event, created by Hayden Hall! We will have some of these printed up and on-hand so you can slap it up on your wall, man!
In addition to the marvelous mess of movies up on the big screen, there will also be a wacky, wild and just plain fun assortment of video tapes rolling all weekend in the VHSnackbar! Who knows what slabs will spill forth?! You’re gonna have to groove on out and grab some VHS-themed snacks to find out!
A view of the Mahoning Drive-In Snack Bar with lots of tapes ready to roll! Bring on the VHS-shaped brownies, man!
But, hey, that’s not all, Videovores! The Drive-In VHS-Fest at Mahoning will also offer a host of video-vindicating vendors, live music, and an absolutely outrageous collection of classic carnival games spiked with a VHS-centric twist! We’ll be going for a world record for VHS stacking, and can you say VHS Dunktank?! Sink your favorite Tapeheads in the drink and bring that moldy copy of Titanic or any other jejune junker tape for a free throw, yo!
THIS IS YOUR FUUUTURRREEE... but only if you get on out to DRIVE-IN VHS-FEST at Mahoning! Image courtesy of Camp Motion Pictures!
Mahoning's VHS-Fest will also mark the release of three brand-new fresh VHS releases from Camp Motion Pictures including Henrique Couto’s Babysitter Massacre, the director’s cut of Psycho Kickboxer and an absolutely fantastic re-animation of the 80s splatter classic Slime City issued on pink, green, and yellow videocassettes! All of these releases will be available at the event, and are strcitly limited to just 50 copies! You can get the complete details on these releases from Camp Motion Pictures RIGHT HERE!
A look at the fresh slabs that will be available at DRIVE-IN VHS-FEST! YUSSSSS.
Also, Slime City director Greg Lamberson and Babysitter Massacre director Henrique Couto will be in attendance at VHS-Fest, so you can get these sizzlin’ slabs signed if you’re so inclined, man! Dig it! LUNCHMEAT and Co. will also be roaming to event to film some segments for an upcoming Video Violence documentary currently being constructed by Video Violence 1 and 2 director Gary Cohen, so if you’re gonna be there, then you’ve got a chance to get in the doc! Double dig it!
A peek at the pink videocassette variant for the SLIME CITY VHS re-animation from Camp! This is VHSexy.
And there’s still time to apply to be a vendor at this ridiculously rad event, Tapeheads! Spaces are limited, so if you’re looking to sling some slabs or other groovy VHS-driven goodies, you can contact VendMahoning@Gmail.com, and they’ll respond with the official vendor application! You can stay updated on VHS-Fest with the Official Mahoning Facebook event page as we’ll be regularly updating with all kinds of super-cool stuff that we just can’t announce yet! Yeah, there’s more, man! So what are you waiting for, Videovores! Groove on over and GRAB THOSE TICKETS! Bring a tent so you can load it up with tapes and stay BOTH nights! It’s gonna be one wild and crazy rewind-inclined time! If you have any questions about the event, please contact MahoningDriveInTheater@Gmail.com!
Groove and Groove and Dude, This is Going to Rule.
Josh Schafer