SCREAMTIME FILMS Unleashes Light-Up LED Cover Art for Select VHS Titles! The Flicker and Flash is Back, Tapeheads!
The Imperial Entertainment light-up LED, 3D VHS boxes for Metamorphosis and The Dead Pit are some of the most outstanding examples of home video gimmickry ever to perch upon a video store shelf, and have duly become coveted collector pieces among Videovores of today. Though the bulk of these LEDs are no longer in working order, some enterprising Tapeheads have been known to replace the batteries and get those bad boys back in action. Plus, those 3D vacu-molded covers are spectacular just in themselves, man. Cue Screamtime Films main brain and all-around radical dude Todd Jason Falcon Cook. He’s bringing back the flicker and flash of light-up LED covers to the contemporary horror home video art. His newest line of VHS (and DVD) releases are employing those lovely LEDs lurking just beneath the cover, echoing the excellence of arguably the most outrageously rad gimmick of home video yesteryear. Here’s a look at some of the LED covers in action…
Screamtime is currently offering 10 VHS / DVD titles equipped with the LED light covers including Death Metal Zombies, Evil Night, The Dummy and Zombified, but you can get a full look at the LED cover art line by clicking this link!
An advert from Screamtime for the LED Light VHS / DVD boxes. VHStoked these are back, man.
The LED lights have a flashing and a steady-on mode, and you can also choose from red or blue lights when placing your order. Dig it. And don’t forget, Tapeheads: Screamtime Films is still offering all of their titles on fresh VHS all the time, so be sure to check out their army of abundant VHStock! Also, heads up to all the VHSkaters out there: Screamtime proprietor Todd Jason Falcon Cook is also one helluva skateboarder, man, and is amping up to release a full-length documentary on his quest to reach “the final level of skateboarding" called Skateboarding Revelations. It looks like it’s going to be fascinatingly intense, Tapeheads. Check out the trailer here, and stay tuned to Lunchmeat Land for updates on a VHS release. That’s right. It’s happening. Double dig it.
Groove and Groove and Don’t Look Into the Deadlights.
Josh Schafer