Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness - Provides Analog Comfort with their VHS Pillow! Attach Your Favorite Horror Flick, and now, LUNCHMEAT Exclusive Labels!

We all know VHS invaded homes across the land in the 80s and totally changed the face of entertainment as we know it. And now, with the mighty resurgence of our favorite format, it has again invaded our homes in a multitude of innovative and super-fun ways much to our analog-obsessed delight. And just recently, I had the extreme pleasure of collaborating with the cool ghouls over at with their super-groovy VHS Pillow, cooking up some LUNCHMEAT exclusive labels compatible with their slice of video-loving comfort. I did a news update for this cool collaboration release, but I thought to give all you tapeheads a closer look and some more info on these ultra-rad VHS Pillows. I mean, they’re just so damn groovy! So, scrilly-scroll on down and peep the awesomeness of the VHS PILLOW!

Here's a look at the VHS Pillow in all its analog glory! Clickity-click the pic for's totally killer commercial! Watch it, man! It's too good!

And as if these pillows weren't brilliant enough, the face labels are totally interchangeable, meaning you can have your choice of which flick to display on the front of your video pillow. And, man, are there a ton to choose from. Here are the labels currently available from Horror Decor...

And the keep adding new designs all the time, man. It's totally killer.

So when I first saw these, I was just like, "Dude, I would love to get some LM labels on these!" Horror Decor was down (and super-cool all along the way), and so LUNCHMEAT exclusive labels were born! The VHS is Happiness label was a must, and of course, we wanted to celebrate some of our favorite radical releasing labels... so we put together this label package of video era appreciation!

And the crew over at Horror Decor was groovy enough to send me my very own VHS pillow, complete with all the labels. Here's a look at my personal VHS pillow in action. I have to say, this little slice of video-vindicating comfort really pulls my bedroom together nicely.

And it is oh-so comfy, indeed. Man, I LOVE THIS THING!

And you know this bad boy isn't just for humans... Here we see that even a couple of my VHS love the VHS pillow. After a full run-time in the VCR, nothing like a nice little break, relaxing upon a pillow constructed after your own likeness. It's good to be king.

"You comfy, REBEL?" "YOU'RE DAMN SKIPPY, DOGS OF HELL!" Good times had by all.

This one's a must for every VHS aficionado. I mean, it's a pillow shaped like a VHS! How much more awesome can you get?! also offers a ton of other really groovy horrific home goods, so be sure to skulk on over and treat your home to some blood and fun! And clickity-click this link to check out LUNCHMEAT's exclusive labels, and take your favorite format to bed with you! It's an analog dream come true, indeed!

Josh Schafer

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