HORROR DECOR Now Offers Their VHS PILLOW in a Rainbow of Colors! PLUS! A Bunch of New VHS-Centric Home Goodies! Click for Details and an EXCLUSIVE LUNCHMEAT DISCOUNT CODE!
Some of the more maxin’ relaxin’ Tapeheads out there may already be familiar with Horror Decor’s super-groovy VHS pillow, which allows you to pick your video poison with interchangeable face labels that run the gamut of your favorite horror classics. And beyond their selection of horror flick favorite face labels, they also have a collection of Lunchmeat Exclusive labels, including the LUNCHMEAT VHS is Happiness logo, and now, their newest addition, a nostalgiarific blank home dub VHS label! But what you may not know is that they’re now offering their signature VHS pillow in all the colors of rewind rainbow! Now you can get this most radical piece of rewind-inclined comfort in your favorite shade of shell! The colors, dude, the colors!
The spread of colors now available for the VHS PILLOW from Horror Decor! Also, watch this.
Horror Decor is also offering up a new “Rental Edition” VHS pillow that features a couple of those classic video store stickers of yore on their standard VHS pillow, and a pillow-fied celebration of one of the most essential video store stickers of all-time: the Be Kind, Please Rewind smiley, man!
The new "Rental Edition" of the VHS pillow, and that iconic rewind smiley video rental sticker now ready to help with some rewind relaxation! Grab 'em HERE.
And if you’re lookin’ to add some VHSmellgoods to your analog-inclined abode, Horror Decor has also just released some VHS wax melts in the shape of the almighty tape (that smells like cola), and that video store sticker smiley guy (that smells like popcorn)! Perfect-O combo, yo!
These look good enough to eat, eh, Tapeheads?! Don't, though. Don't eat these. These are for your nostrils.
What’s that, Tapeheads? You wanna grab an armful of these most excellent analog-inclined items and save some dough? LUNCHMEAT has you covered, dude! Just enter the code “LUNCHMEAT” when you checkout, and get yourself a rewind-righteous 10 percent discount, dude! Saving money just rules.
Use the code above and VHSave some bones, Tapeheads! DO IT TO IT!
So what are you waiting for, Videovores?! Groove your caboose over to Horror Decor, and dress up your home with some truly cool home video goodies. And don’t forget to dig on that LUNCHMEAT discount! Use that extra change to grab some snacks. You know we would.
Groove and Groove and Demons Wouldn't Ring the Doorbell.
Josh Schafer