From the makers of THE TAINT lands an out-of-this-world Horror Comedy: SCIENCE TEAM! Join the team, and score yourself some groovy stuff!
The poster slash DVD artwork for THE TAINT. Messy, messy.
LM: I know we're here to talk about Science Team, but let's bak track here as talk a little about The Taint. Can you tell us how that film came to be, the story and the inspiration behind it? DB: I wanted to make the ultimate misogynistic movie, as a joke basically. I was seeing a lot of those kinds of movies being made around town. I also wanted to make a horror movie. Once the idea for the title came the whole movie sort of fell together. The Taint was one of the first flicks I remember seeing on new VHS. What compelled you to commit it to the almighty tape? We thought it would be cool and didn't know if anyone would would want that, but it turned out that people really liked it so we kept going with it.Behold the awesomeness of the turquoise tape. You probably won’t see it anywhere else… EVER. Though, I will admit: I hope I’m wrong. These RULE.
The VHS package(s) for The Taint are dope, man.... The turquoise tapes, and the hand-painted slabs o' analog... just awesome. And those pink translucent tapes amazed and intrigued Videovores across the land, including myself! Are you willing to divulge the secret of how you procured these groovy ass tapes? Who paints the custom boys?
We just made them ourselves. We have a tower of VCRs. I painted them. It is hard to find the rarer colors like the clear ones. We just found those through some guy on ebay I think. Now they are gone. He doesn't have them anymore.The super-groovy hand-painted version of THE TAINT. Each one is custom and unique, proving there are plenty of ways to render a boner deluxe.
The Taint recently came out on Blu-Ray. It's gotta be pretty rad to get your film on all three formats, yeah? Yeah. It's great. SCIENCE TEAM is your new project. Can you tell us a little more about it? What it's all about, where the idea came from, etc.? It is about a battle for survival between a young man, his dead mother, a telepathic space alien, and a bureaucratic government organization. It's a bit like E.T., but much more violent. The IndieGoGo page has some rad incentives for donating... like a comic book! Can you tell us more about that? Who's writing it, illustrating it, how many there'll be? It was drawn by Matt Chodoronek, cover by Shane Burklow, based on my script. They are also planning on making another issue as well.A sample page from the comic. Lookin’ low brow and loud. DIG IT.
An artist rendering of what the alien foe might end up looking like. Works for me, dude. BRING IT ON
Do you collect VHS? If so, what are some of your favorite tapes? Any find memories of the video era you'd like to share? What really attracts you to the format? I have some. I really wanted the BEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW VHS, but I dropped the ball on that one. I love the double VHS movies. Like SEVEN SAMURAI, it's ridiculous that a movie is so epic that it requires two VHS. I have Evil Dead 2 on VHS. That is how I always watched it. What do you think of all the catching interest and appreciation for VHS? All of the new releases, burgeoning culture, etc.? I think that it has to do with it being, for a lot of people, the main way they experienced films for a very long time. It is also where the weird/exploitation/cult films of a certain generation were really seen for the most part. Also in the digital age, it is a physical product that you can hold.Click on zee link to be whisked away to the IndieGoGo page for SCIENCE TEAM or just CLICK HERE, man.
Anything else you'd like to share with the Videovores out there? I hope everyone has an awesome week!Hey, thanks, Drew! You, too, dude! I’m sure Drew also wants you to groove on over to the IndieGoGo page and donate some dough to help SCIENCE TEAM come to full fruition. Spaceships, lasers, large alien creature(s), psychic battle sequences, horrific and unimaginable gore? Hells yes, man. Thanks to Drew for taking the time to talk to LUNCHMEAT and for making some truly sick VHS tapes. Groove on and Feed that VCR like there’s no tomorrow. Because, hey, you never know when aliens might come and evaporate your ass. Truth.
Josh Schafer