90s Nostalgia Champions and VHS Vindicators FOREVER BOGUS Launch Online Store with Bodacious Shot on Video Promo!
Most Tapeheads in tune with the current analog underground may recognize the Forever Bogus brand for their participation in the creation of some of the most bodacious seasonal VHS mix-tapes to ever enter modern Videovores’ VCRs with A Totally Bogus Halloween and A Very Merry Bogus Christmas, but beyond their knack for putting together these variety-stacked video snacks, the Bogus crew are also known for being perpetual proponents of 90s nostalgia, championing everything from home video entertainment to food to fashion (and, yes, that includes fanny packs, man!). And so, combining their love for VHS and utter 90s nostalgia, they’ve created a most non-heinous and pretty dang hilarious shot-on-video promo to help launch their brand spankin’ new Forever Bogus Online Store! You can groove to the store to check out all of their initial 90s-loving offerings, but first, be sure to watch the video down below, d ude…
I VHSwear, after I watched this video, every time I burped for the past few days, I was like, “BOOOGuUuuuUSSSSss”, and honestly, I really enjoyed myself. Go ahead and try it. BURP THE BOGUS.
Now THAT is a shirt, man! And lookie at all those VHS! YES.
Forever Bogus is offering all kinds of vintage 90s threads and other nostalgia-inspired goodies, and of course, radical VHS (including a limited-to-five- Forever Bogus Mystery Tape!) all set at killer price points, and if I know these dudes, they’ll be slappin’ up even more magnetic magic and most excellent threads on the rewind regular, so be sure to stay tuned to their site, drink lots of carbonated beverages and BURP THE BOGUS!Groove and Groove and Eructate to Dominate.
Josh Schafer