Category_Groovy Stuff RSS

Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Comics, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

You know what I love about the modern Videovore? THEY DO STUFF. By this, I mean they take their analog passion and use it to create something killer to share with those of the same ilk, all the while supporting the DIY spirit and championing their (our) favorite format. All of the new VHS labels you see popping up every week, nine times outta ten, it’s the result of a rabid tapehead deciding to take the initiative and put out a tape or five. A prime example of this video vindication is the following interview with LUNCHMEAT contributor and PHANTOM...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

VHS is back in fashion in more ways than you might think. Scrolling through the mind-melting conveyer belt of FaceBook and venturing through the endless wormholes of the weird world web, you’re apt to find folks using VHS and the video era as launching pads for physical fashion ranging in theme from classic graphic T’s (more here) to handbags made from old VHS guts (more here and here) to sunglasses crafted from the skeleton of our favorite format. But perhaps the most exciting VHS fashion injection comes from the mega-cool brain of Mr. Joe La Scola. A co-founder of Spectrum...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Over here in Lunchmeat Land, we’re staunch proponents of live-action tape hunting as opposed to the now-more-popular-than-ever online tape transactions. Don’t get me wrong now: there are incredibly cool communities out there that foster groovy tape trading and sales like Horror VHS Collectors Unite and the Horror VHS Trading Center on The Book of Face, and secondary auction sites such as eBay can open doors to rare-ass tapes you may never get your claws on otherwise; but there’s a distinct and heady rush of tingling excitement when you’re rifling through a box of two for a dollar tapes, just waiting...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

A lifelong fascination with fringe video and the hidden truths of pharmaceuticals has led Don Abendroth to create his own brand of video vindication: The Video Pharmacy. Inarguably one of the most interesting and personally intimate VHS labels to be born from the fervent VHS resurgence, TVP first surfaced at the last couple of Cinema Wastelands, mystifying most VHS fanatics and piquing the interest of those who became privy to its curious form of magnetic tape medication. These tapes created a question of who and what was behind it all. And with his first official film release, Don and his...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Lazer Paladin Video is a VHS releasing label made by Videovores for Videovores. LPV's first release (which sold out in less than 2 hours!) of Eamon Hardiman’s Porkchop 3D was issued on the almighty video in amazing anaglyph 3D (old-school Red & Blue!), limited to 30 copies, and packed with some ultra-groovy extras and orange tape variants, making it a bitchin' slice of analog delight, indeed. Being a collector himself, one of LPV's main brains Vince Renfield is versed on the importance of putting together a groovy package, and also the glory of having one on the shelf. Read on,...

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