Category_Collecting RSS

action movies, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, fresh VHS, indie film, neon noir, new VHS, sci fi, Teva Cheema, VHS Collecting, VIRUS, Weird Life LTR -

The ever-expanding landscape of the fresh VHS movement has offered an array of rewind-inclined releases ranging from obscurities unearthed to re-animations of scarce cult classics to mind-boggling mix-tapes. But perhaps the most interesting and exciting aspect the fresh VHS happening is how it’s provided a platform for indie filmmakers to present their work in a retro-radical format that connects them to a specific sphere of inclinations and tastes. Whether it be as a perk for their current crowdfund campaign or just as a straight-up radical special edition of the film, committing their film to VHS is now again a viable...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Horror, Horror Movies, Horror VHS, Universal Horror, Universal Monsters, VHS Collecting, Videovore, Videovores -

If you’re regularly hanging out in Lunchmeat Land, you know us to be avid proponents of rummaging through the rewind wild in order to find the weirdest and wildest slabs of black plastic gold. And in support of that particular VHSpirit, we’re stoked to share a groovy little story from fellow Tapehead and low-budget horror filmmaker Jason Stephenson in this (cue big booming voice)… Videovore Spotlight! Over the past couple of years, Jason has managed to gather the complete 37 tape collection of the Universal “Silver Top” Horror VHS releases, finding all but one tape (which he purchased from a...

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80s, 80s sex comedy, Afterschool Spectral, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Pingame, VHS enamel pin, VHS merch, VHS pins, Video Stores -

The VHSummer is in full effect, Tapeheads, and the too groovy 80s-lovin’ crew over at Afterschool Spectral is ready to help you ring it in rewind-right with their brand new BEACH BABE VHS pin! The L.A.-based outfit recently released this analog-driven enamel creation with “bright pastels, big sunglasses, and a beckoning blonde who just wants to party” translated into the shape of a tape as a “tribute to those wild teen sex comedy tapes of the '80s/'90s that used to rule the video store.” You know we can dig it.   Lookin' GOOD. Get a more detailed look, and VHSnatch...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_Screenings, Category_VHS, Horror Boobs, Horror VHS, Museum of VHS, Superchief NY, VHS History, VHS Museum, VHS screening, VHS swap -

Heads up, Videovores of New York! On Saturday, July 15th 2017 the Museum of VHS will be invading New York for the very first time! 2017 marks the 40th anniversary of the VHS tape and what better way to celebrate than to have the Museum of VHS bring their biggest, most exhilarating, and educational exhibit yet to the Big Apple! The memories of perusing the isles of your local Mom and Pop shop will come rushing back to you as you feast your eyes on vintage video store decor, scarce promotional material, mounds of eye popping posters, standees and slicks,...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Horror VHS, Horror VHS Collectors Unite, rare VHS, thrift shops, VHS, VHS Collecting, vhs collector, VHS Misfits, VHS trading, Video Stores -

I had originally written this piece on July 24th, 2016 on a bus ride up to Horror Boobs Headquarters in New York, subsequently submitting it to the first issue of an indie VHS-centric zine which unfortunately never made it to publication. This piece has stayed in the back of my mind since last year, and after re-reading it the other day and finding it to still carry relevance in the culture, I thought to publish here in Lunchmeat Land as a throwback. Here’s that piece in its entirety, with only a couple minor tweaks… Let's get back to July 2016,...

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