Category_VHS RSS

Carl J. Sukenick, Category_Collecting, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, new VHS, outsider cinema, Poser Rot VHS, shot on video horror, shot on video movies, SOV, VHS culture, weird VHS -

The films of ultimate outsider shot-on-video filmmaker Carl J. Sukenick are just about as mind-melting as they come, Tapeheads. His personal brand of sometimes incoherent, sometimes inane but forever fascinating SOV insanity has been championed by some of the most influential entities within the fresh VHS world, including Massacre Video, SRS Cinema, Horror Boobs and Saturn’s Core Audio and Video. But the rewind-inclined warriors at Poser Rot Video are expressly dedicated to unleashing unseen slabs of Carl’s work, thus far exclusively handling previously unreleased Sukenick material. And their newest offering from Carl, a brain-bending zombie epic called Zombie City, will...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Courtney Sell, Don't Let the Devil In, fresh VHS, Horror VHS, Limited Edition VHS, new VHS, Weird Life LTR -

The video vindicators over at Weird Life LTR are likely to already be on your rewind-inclined radar. They’re an entity that has been steadily pumping out an array of radical fresh VHS, including the mind-bending neon noir flick Virus, Courtney Fathom Sell’s heartfelt and powerful backyard filmmaking documentary Tracking Issues, and a very limited VHS release of Aquarius, which is described as “introspective and experimental dance film” from Russian filmmaker Timo Zahlnin, created in conjunction with The Drunken Film Fest. Weird Life LTR’s catalog continues to swell, intrigue and impress, and with their latest release, they’ve rejoined forces with filmmaker...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Exclusive Clip, home video history, home video industry, Horror VHS, Mike Malloy, Plastic Movies Rewound, VHS culture, VHS Documentary -

The more in-the-know VHS aficionados are likely to be familiar with the name Mike Malloy. Apart from his outstanding work on the documentary Eurocrime: The Italian Cop and Gangster Films That Ruled the 70s, and his participation in flicks like Samurai Cop 2 and Django Lives, he’s also been making appearances here in Lunchmeat Land since 2013 when he first started the journey to create Plastic Movies Rewound: an episodic documentary that details the sometimes seedy, sometimes incredible, but always entertaining hidden world of the home video industry. Now over the years we’ve seen a flood of VHS-driven documentaries that...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Horror VHS, Mystic Museum, Ryan Turek, Slashback Video, VHS culture, VHS show, Video Stores -

Physical manifestations of VHS and video era appreciation and celebration are emerging in impressive and excitingly innumerable instances, Tapeheads. Jason Champion's fully functional video store stationed in his own home and the curated installations of The Museum of VHS are just a couple of the contemporary entities which offer an entertaining, interactive and insightful trip back to the time when VHS was king. And now, Ryan Turek, who has had a prolific history in the horror industry and currently summons scares for heavy-hitting Blumhouse Productions, is ready to unleash a tape-driven time machine of his own. His upcoming Slashback Video...

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Australian VHS, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Cult of Monster, Monster Pictures, Rob Taylor, VHS Collecting, VHS culture, VHS show, VHS web series, Video Hoarders, Video Hoarders web series -

It goes without VHSaying that the rewind way is a worldwide practice, and the ardent affection for the format has recently taken shape in the land down under with a brand new VHS-centric web-series called VIDEO HOARDERS. Created and hosted by Rob Taylor, the first episode is now available via (clickity-click that hot link to watch, man!), and follows Rob as he travels to Lara, Victoria and peruses the collection of fellow Tapehead Jamie Tate. Throughout the episode, they talk the joys of tape and ogle sexy slabs of Aussie analog like Evil Dead, Scalps, Nightmare and The Video...

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