A COLOR GREEN, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, MUTE, MUTE VHS, new VHS -

That fresh VHS train is steady rewind rollin’, Tapeheads, and this time it’s offering up a slab featuring a short film called Mute that’ll be ready to slip into your VCRs right around Halloween, courtesy of a crew called A COLOR GREEN. After a heavy film festival tour this Fall with appearances at Sebastian Horror Festival, La Mano Fest, Tucson Terror, Philly Unnamed, Brooklyn Horror Film Festival and more, A COLOR GREEN has decided to send their short film MUTE straight-to-VHS in a limited edition fashion. You know we can dig it. Here’s a look at the VHS release, which...

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American Scream Records, Atlantic City, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Lunchmeat VHS, music video VHS, new VHS, new wave, TUFF TURF -

The Tapeheads out there who steadily stay tuned in to our analog-obsessed slice of internet are likely to recall when Lunchmeat offered the exclusive debut for TUFF TURF’s fully shot-on-VHS music video “Out on the Streets”, which you can revisit by clicking this here hot link. If you dig their dark, moody and radically resonant style of neo-new wave music, then you’re in for one radical rewind-inclined treat courtesy of Lunchmeat! We here at Lunchmeat are absolutely VHStoked to present the full video album for TUFF TURF’s powerfully pulsating and beautifully haunting album “Hunger & Haunt” in a limited edition...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, FIlm Threat VHS, Helvete Video, Horror VHS, Jorg Buttgereit, Nekromantik, Nekromantik boxset, Nekromantik VHS, new VHS -

Jorg Buttgereit’s 1987 film NEKRomantik embodies the art of cinematic transgression. It’s raw, arresting, unusually beautiful and abundantly shocking imagery / subject matter has it firmly cemented in the annals of extreme and indelible cult cinema. Many Tapeheads are likely aware of the much coveted original Film Threat VHS release of NEKRomantik, which is indeed a VHSexy slab both for aesthetic and historical reasons, but is also apt to cost you an arm and leg. That prohibitive collector-driven price tag has stopped many Videovores from feeding an official release of this flick to their VCR. Nascent fresh VHS label Helvete...

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1-900-KILL-YOU, Beneath the Black Moon, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, double-feature VHS, Horror VHS, Magnetic Magic Rentals, new VHS, SMALL TALK -

It’s no VHSecret that the advent of fresh VHS releases has been majorly driven forward by short and feature-length indie films. The platform of limited edition VHS for these flicks offers both the releasing entity and the filmmakers a groovy avenue to expand their visibility while simultaneously creating a piece that celebrates and perpetuates their affection for the analog aesthetic. It’s truly terrific stuff, Tapeheads. The radical crew over at Magnetic Magic Rentals are certainly no VHStrangers to this winning rewind-inclined kind of operation having already offered a couple of choice slabs of indie cinematic audacity with Thomas Shablesky’s insano...

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Act of Vengeance, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, EUROCRIME! documentary, EX-Film, fresh VHS, new VHS, PAL VHS, Rape Squad VHS -

Some of the more frequent visitors to Lunchmeat Land are apt to recall a recent rumble of rewind-inclined thunder from down under via the radical crew at EX-FILM with their PAL home video release of ACT OF VENGEANCE aka RAPE SQUAD. If not, be sure to peep the details that superlative slab by clicking HERE because it’s one amazing analog edition jam-packed with killer extras that owners of PAL playback machines certainly won’t wanna miss, man. Aside from the fantastic presentation and packaging, the liner notes overflow with insight and rare images that are sure to expand your understanding and...

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