Category_VHS RSS

Category_Collecting, Category_Horror, Category_VHS -

Every now and again, Lunchmeat will receive an awesome email from a voracious Videovore out there who wants to share the joys of their radical video collection or how thrilled they are with their newest score of tapes. I recently received one of these wildly enthusiastic and totally too cool emails from a Videovore by the name of Adolfo and it inspired me to create a new feature on the blog that will feature Videovore’s collections, tape hauls and anything else that revolves around the collecting community, so be sure to stay tuned to the blog for more journeys into...

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Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Videovores, it’s that time of year again when the weather gets colder, the nights get longer, and neighborhoods begin to look like cemeteries infested with rotting corpses, ghosts, and pumpkins. This has been my favorite time of year since I was just a little dude. Trick or treating was never the highlight of the season for me; in fact I quit that business earlier than all my friends. No, the real treat for this gorehound was the horror movie marathons that plagued cable stations like locusts. I was rarely given permission to rent all the spooky treats haunting my local...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Horror, Category_VHS -

Greetings, Videovores! It's time to take a bite of the first installment of what we like to call VIDE-O-RAMA! The plan is to display these bodacious video covers on regular basis here on our beastly blog. These particular covers are from my buddy Kevin's collection (check out his KILLER website here: This is the best site to score all kinds of groovy monster and horror goodies. Lunchmeat Approved! These covers are in the pot for consideration as Kevin and I gather covers for our Video Cover Trading Card project that we've been working on (that' right: trading cards!), that...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Comics, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Here at Lunchmeat, we’re nuts about nostalgia. Indeed, we want you Videovores out there to use our zine and website as a sort of time machine that can take you back to times when life was cooler, simpler and abounding with toys, comics and monster cereal (for dinner). I recently came across an amazingly groovy website called that features all of these wildy awesome things and then some. Editor-in-Chief Rondal Scott was cool enough to give us some insight on what being a Strange Kid is all about… Now where did I put my six-pack of Candy Corn flavored...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_VHS -

Throughout my virtually ritualistic movie viewing and researching, it’s always groovy to find stuff that totally missed my radar – especially something of a cult classic, resounding nature. An instance such as this just occurred a couple weekends ago after a great session of beer drinking and making merry the night before, which made for an excellent morning of cartoon watching, maximum chillin’ and eggs and taters. But perhaps I should start from the beginning… One of my best buds and I were talking about something or another a few months back (undoubtedly something gloriously nerdy), and he said “Hey,...

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