Category_Collecting RSS

Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

There seems to be an inextricable marriage between horror and metal. The aesthetics and values meld together like something along the line of proverbial beer and nachos. So, when my brother from another mother showed up in my basement last weekend with the UK heavy metal awesomeness that is GRIM REAPER – “FEAR NO EVIL” on Lp, you know it was time to kick back a few cold ones, spin that slab o’ sinister sounds and bang our heads, air guitar in hand. Who's gonna pay for this window, Reaper Dude? Damn... nice bike, though... But what fell out of...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

The Lunchmeat HQ received a most delightful email a few days ago from a fellow Videovore named Matt O'Neill telling us all about his new company which recently launched on Halloween of 2011: - Based in Australia, Matt is planning to show some love for his favorite horror flicks by creating high-quality, fully-licensed, one-of-a-kind shirt designs and releasing them in - get this - a full color clamshell VHS box! Dig it! His first entry in the line is none other than the 1978 Aussie classic Patrick! I had the pleasure of asking Matt a few questions about what...

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Category_Collecting, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

As the hunt for VHS becomes tougher and tougher, I thought I would share with you Videovores my two favorite places to look. No, it isn’t eBay or any other online store. There’s something just soulless about looking for a specific VHS and buying it off some website. *shudder* I enjoy finding films that I never knew existed in person… and considering less than 50% of movies on VHS made the conversion to DVD, the chances are pretty damn likely I'll find something totally unheard of. Awesome. We all know garage sales are hit or miss (which in itself can...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Horror, Category_VHS -

Every now and again, Lunchmeat will receive an awesome email from a voracious Videovore out there who wants to share the joys of their radical video collection or how thrilled they are with their newest score of tapes. I recently received one of these wildly enthusiastic and totally too cool emails from a Videovore by the name of Adolfo and it inspired me to create a new feature on the blog that will feature Videovore’s collections, tape hauls and anything else that revolves around the collecting community, so be sure to stay tuned to the blog for more journeys into...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Horror, Category_VHS -

Greetings, Videovores! It's time to take a bite of the first installment of what we like to call VIDE-O-RAMA! The plan is to display these bodacious video covers on regular basis here on our beastly blog. These particular covers are from my buddy Kevin's collection (check out his KILLER website here: This is the best site to score all kinds of groovy monster and horror goodies. Lunchmeat Approved! These covers are in the pot for consideration as Kevin and I gather covers for our Video Cover Trading Card project that we've been working on (that' right: trading cards!), that...

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