Drive In VHS Fest RSS

Camp Motion Pictures, Category_Collecting, Category_Horror, Category_Music, Category_Screenings, Category_VHS, Drive In VHS Fest, Drive-In, Faces of Death, Mahoning Drive In, Mahoning VHS Fest, Massacre Video, Slime City VHS, Tim Ferrante, VHS, VHS Collecting, VHS screening, Video Violence -

One of the most exciting and highly anticipated VHS-driven events of the year is nearly here, Tapeheads! In just about 30 days and 30 nights, on the weekend of July 7th, 8th , and 9th at The Mahoning Drive-In Theatre in Lehighton, PA, the first-ever Drive-In VHS Fest will be rockin’, rollin’, and ready to boogie-woogie on your brain! LUNCHMEAT is proud to partner with the rewind-inclined crew at Mahoning Drive-In Theater to bring you a most excellent weekend of absolute VHS madness projected on the big, big screen! The main movie line-up will include an array of shot-on-video and...

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