Category_Collecting RSS

Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_Uncategorized, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Over the past few months, The Museum of Arts and Design in New York has hosted a nostalgic retrospective on the VHS format. Spearheaded by Matt Desiderio of Horror Boobs and Blood Video along with collaboration with an army of other VHS fanatics including Dan Kinem and Levi “Dabedoo” Peretic from VHShitFest, Mark Freado, Jr. from Spectacle Theater and, of course, yours truly, VHS culture, appreciation and celebration has been abounding within MAD’s walls and spilling out onto the streets as a result. We’ve presented VHS-era films with Q&As, crazy found VHS footage collections, presentations on the impact VHS aesthetics...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Uncategorized, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

On one of my recent video hunting jaunts to a Millville, New Jersey Goodwill, while sifting through a mess of assorted family entertainment and “Big Bucks of the Wild” videos, I happened upon an intriguing little flick entitled Comrades of Summer. The cover struck me not only because it was apparently about a Russian baseball team (?!), but it appeared that the versatile and always solid Joe Mantegna (Airheads, The Money Pit), was playing the lead. Being the Mantegna fan that I am, and also because I've inherently been an avid watcher of all types of baseball flicks e.g. Bad...

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Category_Cartoons, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Just a couple of weekends ago (July 20th-22nd, 2012), I had the extreme pleasure of groovin’ my caboose on down to Baltimore, MD to assemble with the incredible creative cadre that is the nation’s largest free arts festival: ArtScape! I collaborated with local Baltimore filmmaker Chris LaMartina (along with some help from Rob Hatch from 48-Hour Film Fest!) and together we unleashed some unbridled VHS appreciation and celebration on the hundred thousand some-odd folks who dared journey through the sprawling array of installations and creations. The front of VHS/VIP! Check out those huge VHS covers! Mega-groovy! Our installation was deemed...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

Perhaps the most essential purpose of publishing Lunchmeat and all the groovy goodies here on Spare Parts is to preserve the obscure and esoteric in cult film culture for those that care to discover, rediscover, enjoy and love it. There has been a terrific resurgence of VHS releases from amazingly awesome entities such as Massacre Video, Horror Boobs Video, Wild Eye Releasing and now even Troma Entertainment all of which have a decided focus on fringe cinema. But what about beyond the fringe? That’s right: I’m talking porno. Think of all the extreme sexploitation flicks out there from just the...

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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness -

I was first introduced to Brian Weaver and Evan Makrogiannis’ directorial work with a film called The Super. I had actually been acquainted with Brian through his interest in the magazine (and mutual interest in video esoterica, of course) and I was thrilled to be in touch with someone that was making such a groovy independent horror production, especially a flick that features the cult beauty (and one of my personal favorites) Lynn Lowry. But when I heard that the NY based directorial duo was releasing their homage to the seedy grindhouse era entitled The Turnpike Killer on VHS in...

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