Halloween Arrives Early Via Your VCR with the Upcoming Re-Issue of THE OFFICIAL EDDIE SPUHGHETTI HALLOWEEN COMPANION Mixtapes Vol 1 and 2!
The art of the video mix-tape has been an inherent and excitingly diverse aspect of the fresh VHS movement. Influential and early mixes like King of the Witches’ now coveted Party Levitation and Horror Boobs’ breastacular, blood-soaked compilations Horror Boobs Vol. 1 and 2 complement the newer analog-driven medleys like Magnetic Magic’s slam dunk slab Shaq Attack and The Secret Celluloid Soceity’s mind-melting and mysterious unnamed mash-up tape that just recently entered our VCR. These, along with countless other homebrewed home video clip concoctions from individual rewind-inclined minds across the culture, have been steadily spinning in Tapeheads’ playback decks.
The collection of VHS mixtapes mentioned just above. These all RULE, dude.
But without doubt, one of the most spectacular and deep cut compilation tapes to hit the fresh VHS scene is The Official Eddie Spuhghetti Halloween Companion. And now, just in time for the Halloween season, Volume One of this candy-coated, jam-packed howl-inducing slab is ready to invade your VCR with a fully re-mastered version. And it’s being unleashed on Saturday, September 16th via OSI74. If you’re not familiar with Eddie Spuhghetti’s fantastic compilation work, you can get a little more familiar via a piece we published around this time last year here in Lunchmeat Land by clicking this hot, hot, hot link.
Both Volumes 1 and 2 of The Official Eddie Spuhghetti Halloween Companion will be available on Saturday the 16th, but while Vol 2 will be exactly the same as last year’s, Vol 1 will be a complete remaster of the original prototype tape to pack even more of a radical rewind wallop.
THE OFFICIAL EDDIE SPUHGHETTI HALLOWEEN COMPANION Volume 2. Dig that sweet, sweet slab, man.
So, what kind of content is lurking within? Well, we don’t want to give too much away (because that’s half the fun!), but these killer comp tapes are cut to mimic an actual broadcast, each containing 6 Halloween-centric hours of rare horror movie promo spots, classic creepy commercials (CREEP PHONE!), and oodles of obscure fright season fare spliced with full Halloween specials. It’s some of the most iconic, essential and just plain fun spooktacular retro content you can fathom, Tapeheads. Plainly put, this is the Halloween party tape you’ll want to take with you into the grave. I mean, just think of it, Tapeheads: if you grab both volumes 1 and 2 of The Official Eddie Spuhghetti Halloween Companion that drops this Saturday, September 16th, that means you can run non-stop retro Halloween excellence from your boob tube from 12noon to the stroke of Midnight. And that’s pretty groovy, man. The tapes are being offered up in exchange for a donation to Spuhghetti and his crew’s TV show Here Lies, which airs on OSI74. Volume 1 of TOESHC is limited to 100 copies each, with Volume 2 limited to 50 ($10 donation for each tape) and combo packs which include both Volumes 1 and 2 (an $18 donation) are limited to just 25 – plus flat rate shipping. These are bound to sell out according to what happened last year, so don’t delay, Tapeheads. Groove to OSI74.com, grab the slabs, and get ready to party with a phenomenal stream of spooky laughs, creepy classics and fun-filled screams from your most radical rewind-inclined friend Eddie Spuhghetti.
Groove and Groove and Get Pumped for Pumpkins, Dude.
Josh Schafer
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